Posted at Sunday, September 30, 2007
TodaY iS SuNdAy... FiNallY Don hAVe tO WoRK... So AbLE tO SlP UnTil 1pM DeN wakE uP...
EaT BReAkFAsT... wEnt oNLinE... TaLKiNg tO ThE AnGeLyNN... SomEoNe wHo iS ImpoRtAnT In mY LiFe...
weLL... I dON HavE mUch FriEnDs...So If I'm TrYinG tO chAT wiTh U... U aRe sOMeoNe wHO I coNsiDer CloSe... ^^ OthErWiSe I wiLL Be LikE AskInG U Qns... AfTEr thAt... NOthINg ElsE tO taLK Liao... HaiZ... SoRRy To mY oTheR frIEnd... I'm a LoNEr... SoRRy =\
bUT soMEhoW ar... ThiS AngElyNN Is LiKE puSHinG mE AwaY... KeEp ASkinG tO taLk tO OtHErs.... ThAt WaS Not LikE In thE PasT... We USeD tO tAlk EverYtHinG UndeR tHE sUn... JUsT By tAlkINg tO u Is enOUgH tO mAke My daY... BuT nOw I hAVe To crAcK mY BrAiN taLKing To U JuSt tO fiNd bAck thE cloSenEss thaT wE haD b4... I FelT SaD... JuSt sAD...
I ReaLLy mIss ThoSE DayS i HavE u In My liFe taT mAKe mY daYS...
I reAllY felT tAt i'M nO loNGer iMPorTaNt iN uR liFE
U uSed To leAN oN mE...
U uSeD to teLL mE Ur FeeLinGs
U uSed To CompLaiN tO mE ABt Ur DayS
U USeD to MaKe Me WoRRIed FoR u aLL thE timE, mAkiNg Me tO thINk abT u All The tiME
noW U TeLL mE tAT u HaD lEarNt How tO Be IndePenT
NoW U KeeP uR inNeR fEElinGs To UrsElF & TeLL mE U ArE finE
nOw U AsK mE tO thInk Of mYSelF befOre I thiNk Of thE oTHers
i Can'T... dO u KnoW thAt??
I'm UseD tO woRRied foR U...
I'm uSed TO thE clOSEnesS thAT wE HaD
I'm uSed tO TRusT OnlI u... AnD teLL U aLL mY feELinGs
FoR mE tO TeLL u My SeCreTs... FoR mE tO shOw U mY trUe feElinGS
dO u KnOW HoW mUCh U mEAn iN mY LiFe?!?!
BuT iS All DiFFErENt NOw... =\
EveNinG tiMe WhEn To MEeT mY PriMaRy sCh FriEnd... HeR naME iS AngeliNE...
woOt~ LOnG tiME Nv MeEt LiaO... wE WenT tO seArcH foR PreSenT FoR aNOthEr cloSE FrienD naMe MagdAlenE... aLL thAnKs To Mag's BirthDAy PArtY... I'm abLe tO mEeT mY thEm AgaIn...OthErwiSe eVeryoNE grOWn uP Le... BusY ALL thE tiME... HahA... JusT bY thINkinG oF thE thInG thaT hAppEnEd iN thE pasT maKe Me sMilE OuT oF bLUe... =] iTs reAllY bEEn a LonG tiME siNCe I mEEt tHeM...
ToDAy boUght 2 ShOrtS anD a TanK toP... PluS HeLp mY siS tO paY HeR shoRts... PluS mAg'S biRthDAy pResEnt... I spEnt $110
*sMaCk ForEheAD*
Oh GoSH... FuLL oF deBTs NoW BuT stiLL sPEnD So mUch... HaiX
Posted at Saturday, September 29, 2007
eRm... I'm BAck... today is saturday NIght... quite gald that i'm not working... but nobody jio me go out. >.< size="2">(yeS We call ourselves WARY basE on ThE firsT leTTer OF OUr naME)
I seRiouSly DoN wisH taT to hAppEn.
BuT evEryOnE SeeM tO cHanGE... ShE... ThE oNe WHo i MadE tHE pROmiSE... ChANge IntO sOMeOne whO i DonnO anYMore =[
I wAntEd HeR BAck IntO mY liFE... I WaNteD thE CouPLe BAcK IntO mY lIfe TOo....
BuT i kEEp woRkinG... I dOn HavE tiME foR tHem... oR RAtheR... HeR iNtO My LiFE BEcaUse ShE iS AlSo thE viCtiM iN thE EveNt. buT sOMeHoW... i feLT thAt shE doN NEed mE anYmoRE...
HeE Hee... WonDErING whAt HaPPeneD RigHT..?
hmm... sToRy GoeS LikE tiS
W- GaL
A - Gal
R- GaL
Y- Boy.... (haha...when we are close... we ganna called "Charlie's angles)
so... "A" sensE sOMEthiNG wrOnG beTweEN "R" & "Y"... ShE aSKed THem If thEy ARe TogEther... BuT theY saiD nO... (cOS "A" ONcE liKe "Y" beFOre)
BUt "R""Y" ARe BEry BerY clOSe... LiKe CouPLe LiAo.... sO evERytiME "A" anYhoW thINk anD LosE TruST AmOng WARY.
"W" [(me lAh) PS:Was ONcE toGethEr wiTh "Y" foR 1 WeeK But bRokE coS i WAntED frienD moRE thAN LovEr] KeEP WOrkINg... Nv seE HoW "close" "R"Y" Are... AnD "A" dIdn'T ToLd Me... sO I tOT Tat "A" Is JusT AnYHoW thInK lAh... thIS GoEs On fOr quIte AwhiLe... tiRE Of aSkIng HeR To cOmE bAcK tO Us... sO i CAmE ouT wiTH thIs plAn Of 'conTinUE tO dO As PeR noRmAL' So ThaT WAtevER We Do... wE Do As pER noRmAL, NothINg SpeCiAL Abt... ShE wiLL dEn gAin BacK thE trUSt... get wat i mean?
We MAdE a pRoMIse ThaT No reLAtiOnshIp In WARY sO Tat OuR friEndshIp caN lasT foR liFe... BuT "Y" bRoKe It... wHen I FouNd OuT tAt "R"Y" Are ToGetHEr... iS ALreaDY PasT 3 WeeKs... AlOT oF aRGUMenENT... AloT oF douBts Pop Up... AlOt Of diSapPoiNtMenT... sO tAt iS HoW wE driFt ApArt lOr...
hEE... DaMN DRaMtiC RiGht... BuT iT hAPPenED...
Labels: ~The StoRY~
Posted at
haha, i decided to take up online blogging though it is become a norm already. but i donno who will read it, i donno why am i writing it for. but somehow, something happened to me nowadays. i think i need some place to vent it out, otherwise i think i will bottle up everything to death. haha
hmm... let see... should i start my story from young? so that u guys will know what kind of life i'm leading? or start frm my present life?
simple... start from young... =x
parent divorce when i'm 7.... living with my mother (cos is father at fault)
a bery poor family
alway lead a "eat won't full but won't starve to death" kind of live. (father's fault)
got depression at 12... always think of killing myself but... ha ha... manage to walk out of it.
started working at 13 @ a small bookshop (illegal child laborer =x) until 15 i think.
no much secondary school friend... a loner...
something happened in between that i don wish to say it out =x
after O'level go back work again... basically i'm a workcoholic ^^
no choice mah... lead a poor poor live... but alway like to spend money... so must work in order to spend lor
now studying in poly... earning sch fee on my own... sian~ still have to work...
got a bunch of good friends... ~used to~
but something happened... but it should be quite common one...
u know~ a bunch of good friend... got boi and gal inside... den boi like the gal...den the gal like the boi oso den others felt left out that kind of things~
what thing that is making me feeling sux is not that such things
becos human have feeling de right BUT
is those things that they did...
killing me
killing me slowly
i'm dead
Labels: the start of my story