Posted at Sunday, October 11, 2009

sErioUsly iF u aSk me hOw iS mY wEEk...
i wiLL saY: i oSo duNNo i hOw i mAnaGe tO paSt tHe weEk.. LoLx...
maYbe iTs a GoOd thIng cOs iF i cAn'T rmB... i DoN haVe tO kEEp thiNkinG aBt iT... =]

Go waTcH moVie, aTe "chiLLi nOOdle" wiTh deaR... hEEx..
ehh... thIs wEEkenD a LittlE spEciaL beCoS i mEEt Up wiTh mY eX tO TaLk cOck anD eaT suPPer... hE juSt cOmE baCk fRm ovErsEa woRk...
[[ thE bEsT paRt iS... We aTe pRaTa... thEn wE waLK oFF... FORGOT TO PAY... NeaR 4aM deN RmB baCk... So... We aTe fRee pRaTaS ]]
boTh wEEkenD REtuRn hOMe sUpEr suPer laTe...
i woNdEr whY i dOn waNNa go Slp ThouGh iM tiRed...
i thiNk i raThEr maKe mYselF tiRed oVer thE wEEkenD anD Go sLp moRe whEn iM in CaMp...
sO thaT i dON haVe tO boThEr aBt waT thE hEll thEy aRe taLKinG oR plaNNinG Abt...

8 wEEks CouNtinG dOwN tO mY fReeDoM...
aNxiEty oVerwheLm mE oNCe aGaIn...
blOOdy haTe thE caMP anD evEryoNe inSiDe...

Posted at Sunday, October 4, 2009

2nD WeeKs:
9 weeKs CouNtinG doWn tO mY FreeDoM...
fiNallY iS 1 DiGiT CounTinG doWn tO ThE eNd oF mY miSerY...

wEll... i mAnaGe tO heCk caRe EvErythiNg iN shOrt...
i FelT lesS PaRanOiD... FelT muCh mOre RelaX lE...
juS thAt mY liFe iS plaiN boRinG...

i WaNNa TaLk abT saTuRdaY~ hEEx...
thOugh i SpenT qUite aLoT oVeraLL... mY deaR oSo sPeNt aLot tOo... =\
i FeLT baD siA aCtuaLLy... cOS im ToTaLLy BroKe ThiS mTh.. (>_<")

FoR thE paSt FeW wEEks... i hAve bEEn bOthEreD bY mY caMp sTuFF...
sCaRe thAt i miGht NegleCt mY deaR...
sO inTeNded tO gO ouT laTe laTe... To coMpEnSatE thE LaCkinG oF tiMe...
ThX DeaR dEAr...
niTe liFe iS sOoo muCh beTTer...
jUs u aNd mE...
JuSt thAt... tAlk mOre oK mY deaR?
i nEEd tO knOw waT u aRe thiNkinG aBt...
bE iT thOse miNoR minOr tHinGs thAt u thinK doEsn"T maTTer muCh...
i MinD aBt iT... =]