Posted at Sunday, June 21, 2009

PowDerY smEll...
sO TouCheD...
It's HanD maDe...
sO SweeT~ =]
ThX deAr...
MuaCkz... =]

Posted at Saturday, June 20, 2009

gOt a liTTle tiMe foR mYselF...
sO... DeciDed To BloG...

pReViouS wEEks iS buSy duE tO ArchEry CaMp & NUS inDooR comPetitiOn...
nV CoMpeTe.. Go ThEre sEE sEE lOOk LooK... sO piSSed oFF By thE CuRReNt cOmmiTTee...
weLL... FoRgeT iT...

RelAtiOnshiP iS goiNg weLL hAppiLy... =]
we aRe toGethEr foR 6 mthS Le... iS likE.. zHooM~
juSt hOpe TaT mY CAMP trAininG zHooM aS faSt As tHAt... (>.<")
buT thE RelaTioNshiP doN enD laH... tHe BlooDy CaMp enD wiLL dO... heeX...

thE caMp haD trAin mE wEll siA... i wiLL unKnoWinGly dRaNk 400Ml oF waTer liKe tAt whEn i'M thiRStY... loLx...
slPy eVerYtimE... buT yEt aWakE woR~
NO LIFE oSo beCoS i'M poliShinG bOOts noW.... -.-