Posted at Friday, January 25, 2008

iT iS juSt SimpLy TiriNg!!!

mY stUdenTs siMplY geTTing fRom bAd To woRsT...!
juSt feLt sO hElplEss...
tHe mOOd FoR sTudY iS siMplY ZERO foR thEm...
i FelT sO uSeleSS beiNg A TuTor...
fElt Like quIttiNg thE Job...
But CaN i jUSt 拍拍屁股就走?
noT oNLi thAt...
my JunioRs iS unAble tO gEt thEmsElvE mEntAllY PrePAreD foR thE trAinIng & coMpetiTioN

i hAVe bEEn NagginG & naGGinG & NaGginG thEm nOn stOp...
foRcinG & fORciNG & foRciNg thEm NoN sTop...
botH stuDent anD juNiors...
aM i doIng iT riGht??
aM i doInG whAt i ShouLD dO??

i feLt lIke i"m a DeviL...
keEp tElliNg thOse kiDs whAt thEy wheRE tHEy wiLL bE hEadiNg tO...
i See thEir woRRieD fACe afteR i toLd thEm whAt ResPonSibiliTy theY aRe gOinG CaRRy...
i FelT liKe i"m A DeVil...
anD EvErytiMe...
ExplAinAtion iS mUst OthErwiSe nO oNe wiLL unDersTanD wHy i"m dOinG it...

i FelT sO emPty...
nObOdy uNDersTanDs mE...

i hAve tO giVe uP usUal TrAinIng afTer sCh tO enSurE thAt thEre iS At LEaSt oNe pErsOn lOokinG aT tHeir foRm duRinG trAinIng...
i hAve tO mAke uSe oF mY frEE tiMe iN oRdeR tO coVer Up thE loSt trAiniNg... alOne
hOw i wiSh tHEre iS soMeoNE theRe foR mE...
aNd Not mE dOinG eVErythinG alOne...

It iS siMplY.... LoNelY...


Posted at Monday, January 21, 2008

LooKinG aT thE BloG... dOnnO hoW tO tyPe doWn mY feElinG...

I'M juSt siMplY aNGrY aT mYselF...
iS siMplY "doIng MY bEsT" iS EnoUGh tO cOveR uP eVerYthiNg?
NoT oNly MySelF...
i"m oSo aNgrY At BotH JuniOrs aNd seNioRs...

sOmeoNE toLd Me thaT vEry sAtuRdaY trAinInG iS tOuGh...
i"vE tOrTuRe thEm MenTaLLy....
thE nEXt THiNG thAt PoP Up MY miNd iS...
aM i reaLLy MeNtAllY tORtURinG u GuyS
ArE u GuyS NoT mEntAllY sTrONg eNouGh tO tAhaN thE trAinInG...??

i GuiDe u guYs...
i NAG aT u GuyS aBT uR miStaKe...
bUt I caN't PoSsIbLy LooK aT u GuYS aLL thE tiMe!!
i NEeD mY owN trAiNiNg tOo...
wHo hElp tO loOk aT mY sHooTinG anD sPOt mY mIstaKe?!?!?!
blooDy hEll!!
aLL thE sEnioRs aRe miSSinG aLL thE tiMe...
wHo goNNa helP mE trAin thOSe JuniOrs...
i"m nOt thE onLy sEniORs pLs...

~I.G.N.T.S~ U reAp wAt u sOw~
SenIOrs: thE CluB dOn bEloNG tO mE onlY...
JuniOrs: iS uR oWn skill & uNDerStanDinG In ArCheRy... Is NoT thAT i Nv tEll u GuyS

WoOt! toDaY waKe Up aT 5PM!!!
5Pm leH!!!
iT beEn a LonG tiMe i cAn sLp aLL thE waY liKe thIs le...
bUt Now GoT aBit ProBleM... i cAn'T sLp Now... (T_T)
bUt i HavE tO...
tmL gOt sCh... =X


Posted at Friday, January 18, 2008

Piss Off piSS oFF!!!
lEnd mY baG tO mY sIs... ShE DESTORY mY cRoCoDile!!!!! (T_T)
AnoThEr tHiNg... My GasTriC hAs BEeN aChInG fOr aBt 5 daYs lE...
siCk aNd tiRe oF ThE pAin.... Can"t hElp But EnDure OnLi
HaiX... i'M a oLd peOplE le... sTomAch gEttinG weAkeR anD weaKeR...

HoW To havE a GooD relAtiONsHIp aMonG fRieNds...?
iT sEEm tO eaSy BuT yeT dIFFiCulT...
BecOs oF GrEEd i ThiNk... GreEd thAt EveRyoNe hAve...
jUSt liKe --> i gOt a GroUp oF FrieNds --> i wAn a CLoSe FriEnD --> I wAn tAt clOse fRienD tO KnOw Me weLL --> bLah BlaH bLaH.... eNdlEsS u KnoW~

ThErE iS a FaMouS PerSon wHo DesCriBe friEnD aRe jUsT liKe POrCupINe...
POrcUpiNe tHAt nEEd WarMth toGetHeR...
ToO clOSe toGetHEr... thE sPikE wiLL pRicK eaCh othEr... EnD Up HurTinG eaCh othEr
tOo FaR... thEy wIll Not GeT thE wArmTh frOm eaCH othEr...
ProCuPinE iS a WeaK aNiMal...
ThEy haVe sPiKe... ThEreForE thEy wiLL DefEnD theMselVe and yEt thEy nEeD thE waRmTh frM thEiR fRienD...

i FULLY unDErsTanD thIs TheORy...thAt whY i wiLL raTheR bE a PaSSer-By oF thE oTher"s LiFe... sO thAt i dOn HurT aNyoNe...
bUt yEt... i LonG fOr sOmeOne clOse tO mE... i'M suCh a ReTarD RigHt..?
faiLeD tO lEaRn My MiStaKe... HaiX...

i wOndEr... Is anYonE reaDinG mY bLog?? (leaVe A mSg iF u aRe reAdiNg... caN??)
AcTuaLLy... thE moRe i BloG... tHe mORe I feAr thAt yOu wiLL fiNd oUt...
FeaR thAt wHen U fouNd oUt... U wiLL bE anGrY thAt i HiD iT frOm U foR thAt LonG...
HaiX... aM i dOin RiGht oR wRonG?? =\

Posted at Friday, January 11, 2008

HoW tO be A beTTer mE??
FeeL sO uSeleSs... toDaY ONe Of mY sTudEnT doN wAn tO haVe TutiOn...
coS sHe wAnnA waTch TV...
thIs mEaN thAt i'M unAblE tO mAkE hEr tO bE InteResTed In sChooLinG...
i Am tOO fiErcE... tOo ShOrt-temPEred...
KiDs NowAdAy aRe tOo pAmPereD... oR i OvEr- eStimAtEd thIeR caPabiLItY??
aM i FiT tO bE a TuTOr???
EaCh tIme i FelT LikE giVinG Up... I wiLL thInK oF mY tuTor... sHe iS a SuccEssfuL tuToR...
whEn cAn i Be LikE hEr...?

oThEr tHinG...
i DoN wiSh tO sAY...
maYbe tHingS aRe gEttiNg BeTTer...
MaYbE thiNgs ArE sO woRsT thAt i hAvE No ideA hOw tO deAl wiTh iT...
juSt felT thAt evErytHinG iS sO faKe...
iS liKe... u wiLL tAlK tO mE afTeR i tAlk... OthErwiSe u DoN eVen BothEr tO cAre...
wHO aM i tO u??
haiZ... =\

~waD a Sad sAd DAy~

Posted at Tuesday, January 8, 2008

waH waH wAh...
GoT lOtS oF thINg tO saY... BuT bEry lAzt To tpYe doWn... >.<
mAinLy... iS mY tOts...

FoR ExaMplE:
NevEr AsK sOmeOne tO dO soMethINgs tHAt u uRsElf thAt caNNot dO... BecOs whEn thE othErs trY thEiR BEsT tO aChiEve iT... thEy wOulD waN U tO dO iT tOo...
NevEr FeLt sAd wHeN thEy aRe UnAble tO ProviDe u ThE thINgs thAt u waNt frM thEm... BecOs... fRieNd cHeriSh thE moSt... iS thE foRgiVenEss thAt u haD GivEn thEm...

WoRth It??
i dOnnO...
-->FiGHt fOr thE thinGs thaT u LoVe<--
bUt sOmethiNg gAiNeD By ForCe wOn laSt lOng...

SomethINg aRe disPenSablE...
bUt sOmethiNg aRe nOt... whaT aRe thEy??

HaPPy Or sAd, i HAve tO sUrviVe foR a DaY...
wHy NOt chOOse Be haPPy??
-->iT tAke a sMilEs tO hiD a ThouSaNd TeaRs<--
bEcoS nO maTTer hOw sAd uR liFe iS...
hAve pAitEncE... anD ENDURE... iT wiLL bE oVEr sOOn...
bEcoS... mEaNwHilE u ArE eNduRiNg...
u ArE gRowInG Up...
iT iS paRt anD paRcEl oF liFe...

Posted at Tuesday, January 1, 2008

YeaYea!!! HApPy NeW YeaR eVErYonE!!! =]
tHe FirEwoRk thAt MaRks thE FirSt dAy oF yR 2008 iS sLpeNdi!!
siMplY BeaUtifUl... ^.^

anD aNd aNd... ThE bEsT pArt iS... i SaW mY tUtoR tOo!!!
sHe iS sOMewhEr nOt faR AwaY frOm thE plAcE i Sit..
aND shE iS aBle To ReConGniZe Me DesPitE wE DiD nOT mEEt eaCh oTHer foR mAnY yRs... \\(^_^)//

DeN DeN... aFTer thE FirEwORk... We rUn uP anD doWn tHe BridGe pLAyinG RibBoN SpraY...
DeN wE BasTarD a GrOUp oF friEnDs whO aRe tAkINg a GroUp PhoToS... wE JumPeD anD JumPeD nOn StOp bEhiNd thE gRouP... aNd wE rAn oFF thE MoMenT ThE BlinKiNg LiGHt oF thE caM iS gOne... We aRe jUsT LikE moNkeiEs laH... BUT FUN!!! WeEee!

FoLLoWinG... miNNie anD i nEEd ToiLeT uRgeNtlY... >< BuT thErE aRe LOtS LotS oF pEoPLe... In oRdEr NoT tO GeT lOst frM EaCh oTheR... wE fORm Up a huMan TooT tOot TraiN... JunIOr leaD thE reST!! anD hE iS a ExPreSS TraiN... wOOt!! hmMM... HOw dO i dEsCriB thE seNCnaRio leH... CRIMINAL ON LOOSE!!! waHahAha i KeEp sHOuTinG "InCOmiNg!!" aNOthEr whO i doNNo iS whO KeEp shOuTinG "sORRy!!" aFTer wE raN paSt a CroWd... waHahAHh FuN!! simPLy fUn!!! =P

moRniNG.. mE anD mY siS mEet Up wiTh mY tUtoR anD haVe LunCh toGethEr!!! Lolx... iS liKe... pOOf!! thE liTTle gaLs whO shE taUght bEfoRe... iS siTTinG rIGht In FrOnT oF HeR cHiT chaTTiNG liKe a YoUng aDuLt... aBt lIFe... aBt thE sOcietY... =] tOO baD i haD tO wORk... caN'T taLk aNyMoRe... bUt i'M reaLLy GlaD thAt tiS fRienDsHIp cOntiNUe aLL tHe waY aNd It iS nEvEr stOpPinG... nEw YeaR... haPPy stArtiNg... a LonG waY tO gO... dOn dArE tO wiSh fOr iT... bUt wiLL sTriVe My bEsT fOr eVErythINg =]