Posted at Sunday, March 30, 2008

HoW loNg CaN a PErsOn wAit foR soMetHinG thAt thEy loNged FoR, tO bE haPPeneD?
whAt iS caUsiNg thEm tO holD oN?? whaT iS teLLinG thEm tO leT gO??

whAt thE heLL i"m loNginG fOr??
iT hAs BluRRed...
liFe iS bEcoMiNg mEaNinglEss foR mE...
i"m sO "unCleaR"oF wHat i WaNt fOr nOw...
ThE FeeLinG oF "loST" iS sTiLL thErE...
thE mOntH Of mArcH iS gOinG tO bE ovEr soOn...
thE mOnTh oF dAiniNg aWaY EvEry MonEy thAt i hAve... (X_x)
lEt sEE...
yEsTErdaY i BoUghT a SanDal - $65
a eAr pieCe - $40
A Few DayS agO i BouGht a SpoRt BrA - $40
a ThuMBdriVe aNd a LaptOp CloTH - $55
MonEy thAt i foRk ouT 1St oN bOOn's BiRthdaY- $350 (i sPenT $54)
LapTop bAttEry, DoUbLe ceLL - $213
MoneY thAt i ForK ouT 1sT On NaD's BiRthdaY - $244 (i sPenT $38)
ToTaL: $1007!!!! (T_T)

Posted at Sunday, March 23, 2008

KnOW whAt... sOmEtiMe i JusT siMplY haTe RoTTinG aT hOmE...
SimpLY hAtE iT...

FiRsT: i CaN bE sO lAzY thAt i DoN bOthEr tO dO anYthiNG aT aLL...
SecOnd: I caN't StOp MYselF frM ThiNkiNg...
tHinkINg HoW faKe PeOplE caN Be...
ThinKinG HoW UnReaL thE liFe CaN bE...
ThiNKinG HoW "HearTlEss" i caN bE... sO thAt whEn thE oTherS whO i TrusT, bRoKe mY tRusT... I caN jUSt siMply WalK oFF... [tO miNimiSe My pAiN]
i CaN DisAppEaR jUSt liKe tHe WaY i DiSapPeAr frM bEinG aN iNstRucToR oF TKD...

HoW muCh ppL uNDErsTAnD mE... i DoNNO...
How MuCH Do i UNderStaND thE oThErs... i DoNNo oSo...
EvErythiNG bEcoME sO "unCleAr"... PpL whO i OnCE, TriEd tO UndErsTanD iS aCtuAllY nOt WhO i ThiNk I knOw...

ThEre aRe ppL whO saY whO kNoW mE... DoN unDersTaNd whAt i"vE bEeN teLLinG thEm ALL THE WHILE... EvErYtiMe i HAvE tO rePeaT... RePeAT and rePeaT.... aNd YeT... thE pErsON sAy "k seems like i'm getting to understand u more n more....can even predict wad u gonna say"

ThEre aRE PPl whO saY "i dOnnO whEthEr i KnoW u oR nOT..."
"nOt coNfiDenT tO saY thAt i KnoW wHo u aRe"

i FelT sO WeaK...
I feLf sO hElplEsS...
AnD i FelT thaT nO One cAreS abT mE...
i FelT thAt i"m a LonEr...
i DoNNo whO i caN TruSt anYmoRe...

bUt sOmE fuNNy QnS I aSKeD mYselF --> i DoNNo i"m TruStwOrthY tO thEm oR nOt...
lOl... MaYbe tO thEm... I'm A LiaR...

Posted at Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wah wAh... sO lAzY tO bLOg NowAdaYs.... =X

hMmmm... thE thE miNt tEa iS a FloP... sO i MaDe HoNey LEmOn TeA foR hEr...
bUt iT iS kiNd oF FlOp ToO BEcoS shE iS aBle tO tAsTE lEmOn iN thE TeA ONli... (-.-")

8 & 9 MArCh iS thE SP oPeN... (ArCheRY)

aLL mY JunioRs miSSed thEiR chanCe By 1 pLAcinG
bUt i'm QuiTe CoNtenD wiTh thEir ImpRovMent... =]
i GoT 4tH plaCIng aCtuAlly... BuT duE tO thE iNdiViduaL KnoCk oUt oN thE nExT daY... i gOt 3rD PlaCinG....
haIz.... i WoNdeR whEn wiLL mY jUniORs caN taKe oVer Me aNd tO coLLeCt PrizEs On stAGe...

DeN oN thE 10 maRch... iS naD's BiRthDay... wE BouGht hEr a Mp3...
HaD a GrEat DebaTe whEthEr tO bUy hEr thE Mp3 aNot whEn evEryonE goT thEir staNds...
oN thAt daY... EveRY exPeNseS iS mE foRk oUt firSt BeCos thE ResT hAveN goT thEir paY yeT... AlMosT spEnT $300 In a SingLe daY... (O.O!) anD thEy wiLL Onli reTurN The MOneY aFter theY geT thEir salArY...
bUt I cONsiDer iT a suCCesS OutiNg bEcoS nO onE iS pRovoKed... No One Is oFFenDed...

whEn i TrY mY verY BEsT tO mAKe U staY...
u WaNNa LEaVe... maKing mE FeeL liKe giVinG uP hOpEs oN u...
whEn i MAnAge to teLL mYself nOt tO BothEr abT u mUCh...
u TeLL mE thaT u FelT lEfT oUt...
thIs iS SomEthiNG whICh i DoN wAn It tO hAppEned To u... tAT's whY i WaNNa maKe u staY...

"waTevEr" ok!!!
JusT waTEvEr.... u wiLL nV UndErstaNd whAt thE hEll i"m dOinG foR u... u JusT doN

i DoNNo whaT u waN, i DoNNo whaT u thINk...

i"m HErE... wAiTinG... Tat'S aLL!!

Posted at Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ArE u HaPPy??
aRe u coNtenD wiTh thE liVe riGht NoW??
i"m So piSSed oFF whEn u TeLL mE thAt u dOnnO whAt u waN BuT u haTe thE waY u liVe rigHT nOw... BeCoS u aRe noT HeLpinG uRsElf aT aLL...!
i TrIEd By aSkinG U qnS tO mAke U ThinK... bUt iT enDed Up GiViNg u PresSuRe...
i ThiNk i sToP BothEr U... anD... sToP PuLLinG u BAcK... anD... kEeP u By My SidE...

HmMM... i TriEd tO maKe MinT TeA fOr a FRienD juSt noW... buT i DoN thInk iT suCCesSed...
haIz... tmL gOinG tO TrY aGaIn... i muSt MakE iT RiGhT AnD To GiVe It tO suRpRisE thIs fRieND oF miNe... =X
bUt i WoNDeR... wORth iT??
CoS thIs FrieNd iS thE oNe WhO i mEntIoN aBoVe...
BuT NvM lAh... cArE fOr a FrieNd wHo woRk StraIgHt foR 7Days... jUsT dO iT lOr~

ManY mAny tHinGs HapPenEd ar!!!
a JunIoR oF mIne LiKe tO plaY DisaPPeaRinG aCt... FreAk eVeRyOne OuT UntIL thE lAst MinUtes He aPPeaR FrM No WHerE...
i"m SoOOo gOinG tO eXplOde If He DiD thaT aGaiN...
AnoThEr JunioR KeEp teLLinG mE thAt hE caNNot ChaNGe thE miStaKe... kEeP sAyiNg ThaT hE caNNoT caNNOt CanNoT... i"m So gOinG tO leaVe hiM aLONe If He sTiLL caN'T chaNge hIs mIndSet...

i boUghT a RiNg fOr MySelF... CusToMiZed... cOsT mE $45... haVen cOLLect Yet... bUt thE riNg seRvE As a RemiNdeR nOt tO sTeP inTo anY reLatIonsHip aGaiN... iT iS sImplY sCaRy whEn tHe sOul iS huRteD whEn a RelaTiONshIp eNDeD...

UrGh... coMpEtitiON coMinG sOOn~
haIz... maNy mAnY thInGs haVen cOmpLeTe...
thIngS aRE sTackiNg Up... sO aRe mY feeLinGs...
Evil toTs... GET LOST!!!
thIngS tAt iS ImPossiBle... OsO GET LOST!!!
MuAhaha =D

oH yA Oh Ya...
bEcoS i"m mAtuRe... aLwAy plAn aHeaD... aLwaYs taLk abT thE pHilOsOphY oF liFe...
thErE iS soMeoNe aSkeD Me whEn aM i GoInG tO sToP aDvaNciNG sO muCh...
i WoulD saY... tHis aGe iS thE beSt fOr Me tO staY oN Bah~fiNaLLy...
whEn i"m 12Yrs Old... i wisH i"m 18
whEn i"m 18yRs olD... i WiSh i'm 21
riGht nOw... i"m 20... iT iS eNouGh...
tiS iS liFe...
i sTiLL hAve To gO oN...
