Posted at Tuesday, April 29, 2008

AngeLyNn iS siCk... i WonDer HoW iS shE lE..
i tOlD hEr tHAt i'LL nOt DisTurB HeR aNymoRe... buT AftEr tHE UT i FounD mYselF kNoCkinG thE glAsS pAnEl oF hEr ClASs anD AskEd hEr ClaSsmAte whEre sHe iS... WanTed To KnoW hoW iS shE feElinG lE... buT whEn i sAw hEr... i'M loSt fOr woRds... [[slAp mYselF foR gOinG oVer anD diSturB hEr]]
anD i bEcomE emO afTer thAt...
i kEep AskinG mYselF whAt hAppEned tO mE eXaCtlY... tOtaLLy nO mooD tO teAch thOSe yR1... i jUst sIt aT a cOrnEr aNd keEp StaRinG iNto SpAce... aNd noWaDaYs... i KeeP sTariNg inTo SpaCe... lOokiNg blAnK...ThinKinG blAnk... mY liFe seEm tO beCome a BlanK paGe... mE seeM tO bE loSt iN tiMe...

LeavE thE trAiniNg GrouNd eaRliEr anD MeeTinG uP wiTh a FrieNd oF miNe... thAnks tO hiM... i'm FeeLinG sliGhtly BeTTer...
hE didN't dO muCh aCtuAlly... juSt liSteN tO mE... aNd tOdaY boTh oF uS hAd a SurPriSe frM eaCh otHer...
hE toLd mE thAt oNe oF hiS frieNd iS alSo sTudYiNg iN Rp...aLsO yR 3...ShE iS muCh MatuRe thAn Me bUt hEr liFe iS a *SHakE HEaD*...blAh BlaH bLah...
i WaSn'T pRepaRed tO kNow wHo hIs FrieNd iS... unTil i Ask hiM whO shE iS...
thAT iS whEn wE fOunD ouT thAt wE hAd a SaMe FriEnD... a GiRl whO onCe clOSe bUt NoW nOt eVeN fRienD aNymORe... hE knEw thIs GaL iN Rp...i'M suRpriSe bY thAt... anD hE iS vEry suRpriSe wHen i Told hiM thAt We aRe onCe a CloSe FrieNd...

tHiS gaL... hEr liFe chaNge DraSticAlly aFtEr sHE brOkE uP wiTh hEr BF... GueSs ShE iS aFraiD oF lOnelY anD henCe bEcoMe 'OvEr soCiaL'... woRk iN pUb, wEnt oUt wiTh WhOevEr iS "FrieNd" tO hEr... bE iT kNowiNg EacH othER foR a DaY oR twO...
tHiS gaL Nv faiLed To lEt thE pEoplE SurrOunDing hEr tO knOW whO shE iS...BecaUse oF hEr BeaUty...
TaLkinG Abt thIs gaL...maKe mE thiNk oF thE paSt... thIs 4 frieNds FrieNdshIp LaSt foR 1 yR...anD iT bRokE uP sOOn aFter thiS gaL haD a BF...

evErythIng iN mY pResEnt liFe sEEm tO bE rePeaTinG... iT iS a CyCle....
jUSt thAt thIs tiMe RouNd TheRe iS aDDitiOnal paIn iN iT...
i hAve To EnDuRe...leTTing thE tiMe wiLL HeaL iT... iF noT... tiMe wiLL maKe mE nuMb frM thE paiN... i HaVe tO enDuRe

Posted at Sunday, April 27, 2008

whEn PeOplE EnjOY thinGs ThaT tHEy dO... TheY dO whAtevEr tO kEEp iT gOinG...
whEn pEopLE aRe ruNNinG aWaY fRm thInGs... thEy dO whAtevEr thEy caN tO gEt AwAy frM iT...

WaTcH moVie, WenT ouT, woRk, fIndinG ExcuSes tO GeT thEmselVe BusY... juSt tO sToP thEiR brAin FrM tHinkIng thOSe stUff ThAt hAs nO anS iN iT anD ruN aWaY fRm iT.
mE nO diFFereNt frM thE oThEr... GraB whAtevEr chAncEs i CaN tO ruN... WaiTinG fOr thE tiMe HeaL tHe wouNd...

HoWeVer... thEre iS aN unDerLyinG eMotiOn tAt iS aLwAys thEre... thE MoRe wE rUn... ThE StRoNGer The feElinG iT iS... anD thAt iS: eMptY

ThE fEElinG oF eMPtiNesS iS siMply HoRRible...
iT iS juSt liKe a BottoMleSS piT... juST keeP faLLinG iNto iT...
faLL... FaLL... fAll...
iT haS nO enD iN iT...

AlthOugh PeoPLe wiLL EnTer AnD liSteN tO u...oF coS, thEy wiLL giVe u AdviCe... bUt oNli u UrselF BeliEvE iN thE solUtiOn thAt cAme Up On uR owN...
emPtiNesS CreeP uPoN u AgAin wheN tHe liStEnEr iS gOne...
ThEreForE... oNLi u UrSelF kNow wHethEr u aRe mOviNg oN oR nOt...
nO oNe cAn JuDgE u... bEcAuSe tHeY aRe noT u...

bUt mY wAy oF liFe -- i'M a pAssEr bY... i wiLL noT keEp aNy LiStenEr bY mY siDe aNymoRe
buT pEoplE aRe weLcoMe tO apProaCh mE anD liSteN tO mY liFe... bUt Not tHe DarkEst paRt oF mY liFe... HeeHee...thE oNe ThAt kNow, mY DaRkesT sEcreT iS goNe toGetheR wiTh hEr...

Posted at Saturday, April 26, 2008

i Did AloT oF thInKinG thEsE feW DayS...

i woNder iF u stiLL rmB mE teLLinG u thAt aT diFFereNt stAge oF liFe... diFFerEnt ppL wiLL piCk u uP whEn u haD faLL doWn...
u sAy thAt u wiLL trEAsURe thE onE whO wiLL piCk u uP...

weLL... i'm a PaSt tEnsE alReaDy... u hAvE enTerEd inTo anOthEr stAge oF uR liFe...
i'LL havE tO beComE a pAssEr-bY oF uR liFe aGaiN...

i'LL trY mY besT noT tO aVoiD u...
i'LL trY mY beSt tO leT u kNow i'M thEre stiLL...sO fEEl FreE tO aPProaCh mE k...
buT i'LL noT diStuRb u, BotHer u anYmoRe...

juSt... doN foRgEt tO bloG oFteN abT uR liFe... thE moSt iNNer feeLinG tOO...
bEcaUse i guEsS uR blOg iS thE oNli wAy foR uS tO keEp TraCk oF eaCh oThEr's liFe...

sMilE...LiVe oN haPPilY... =]

Posted at Thursday, April 24, 2008

cliCk mY pReviOUS PosT & reAd iT...
i FOuND oUt thAt alMosT evEry poSt i dId MenTioN aboUT u...
thiS bLoG sEem tO Be taLKinG abT u aLot...
whAt a CraZy tHinKinG i'M HolDinG oN foR thiS FrieNdshiP i hAve...

9 mOntHs oF waiTinG...
SpeaKinG frM ThE bOttOm oF mY HeaRt... i'M waiTinG stiLL~
fOr Me wHO doN waNNa loSe a fRienD liKe u...

Posted at Wednesday, April 23, 2008

HaD a QuaRRel wiTh AngelYnn... AgaiN...
whAt haD hAppEneD tO ouR fRienDshIp eXacTly?!?!
i"m TryiNg My bEsT tO pRoVe tO hEr thAt i'M a FrieNd whO woRth hEr TruSt...
sHe sTiLL cOuldn'T gEt oVer thE PAsT thAt hAppEneD iN boTh oUr liFe...
sHe iS stiLL AfrAid thAT whEneVer sHe sAw mE... All ThE tErriBle MemoRieS wiLL caMe bAck...
ThE cRaCk iS thEre.. alWaY ThEre anD thEre iS nO waY thAt iT wiLL bE mEnd...
whAteVer i dO foR hEr...BecOme a SouRcE oF StResS tO hEr...

lEt saY thEre iS soMethINg thAt iS nEEded To bE saCrifiCeS sO thAt eVerYonE caN moVe oN... i gUeSs i'M thE onE baH...
RiGHt NOw... i hAtE tHat 2 BAstArds tO thE coRe... FuCk oFF!!
BEcaUSe oF thE 2 oF u...ThE FrieNDshiP thAt i TrEaSuRe thE moSt iS goNe!!! ChEE bYe~

i'm sTiLL thInKinG...shOulD shE knOw thAt i goT thiS blOgSpoT??
ThEre Are tiMe whEn i AlmoSt waNNa senD hEr thiS linK...
buT i doNNo hoW wOulD sHE reaCt...
iF i DEciDed tO lEt hEr knOw thiS bloG... i JusT waN hEr tO knOw thAt i'M thEre... alWaYs...
beiNg uNabLe tO exPresS mY tOts ouT whEn shE iS aRouNd... anD thErefoRe i exPresS iT HeRe...
buT i doNNo whAt shE wiLL thINk lAh~
bEcaUse whAtevEr i dO... bEcoMe a StreSS tO hEr~

i KnOW whAtevEr i WaN nOW... iS iMpoSSiblE foR goOd...
i hAd To aCCepT whO sHe iS riGht nOw... anD geT mYselF moVe oN... anD oSo tO gEt riD oF thE fEElinG whiLe mOvinG oN...
AcTuaLLy thE feElinG iS goNe aLreaDy... juSt thAT i'm usiNg thAt aS aN eXcuSe fOr eVerytHiNg i dO... (haNg On & osO lEt gO)
mE vEry ChiLdiSh RighT~
i tOt i caN haNdlE thIngs ThAt haPPenEd iN mY liFe EaSilY...
bUt i'M juSt siMplY ReluCtAnT tO enD thiS fRienDshIp thAT EaSilY...
~slAp mYselF~

Posted at Monday, April 21, 2008

i'll NeVEr Let U faLL... i'LL stAnd uP witH u foRevEr... i'LL bE thEre fOr u ThroUgh iT aLL... EvEn thOUgH SaviNg u SenD mE tO hEavEn
dO u kNoW thAt i'M wiLLinG tO dO iT jUsT foR u..?
ReAsOns VeRy SimpLE...
i pRomiSeD tO taKe CaRe oF u...
u meLteD mY hEaRt anD hAd sTayeD iN mY iT...
bUt NoW... i'M sErioUSly doNNo hoW tO ReaCt whEnevEr u AppEaReD...

whEn eVerYthiNG hAd juSt stArteD...
firSt 3 mTh: peOplE teLL mE thAt i hAve tO waIt foR u tO clAm doWn... aNd u wiLL stArt TalKinG aGaiN...
6mThs: peOplE teLL mE thAt u juSt neeD moRe tiMe... moRe tiMe tO piEcE uRselF aGain...
9mtHs haD pAsSed: peOplE teLL mE thAt iS tiME foR mE tO moVe oN... bEcaUse i'M thE onE whO stiLL livE iN thE woRld oF "olD" u...
leT gO... bEcAuSe u hAd alReaDY moVed oN...
leT gO... bEcAuSe u haD gRowN... doEsn'T nEEd mY caRe foR u anYmoRe...
leT Go... i shOulD bE haPPy foR u...
thE wAit mAy DraG foR YeaRS...
buT mY heaRt juST feLt sO pAin!!!
i'M juSt... nOt sO riGht!!

thIS bloGsPoT seeM tO bE wriTTeN foR u... WriTTinG doWn hoW i feEL foR uR chaNges ovEr thE paSt fEw mTh...

i waNteD tO bE thE onE foR u tO leaN oN whEneVEr u aRe doWn...
i wAnteD tO bE tHe oNe riGht thEre liStEninG tO u aLL thE tiMe...
i wAnteD tO leT u KNoW tAt thEre iS alWaY a fRienD whO iS wiLLinG tO gO thIs faR fOr u... foR shE knOwinG thAt u aRe huRt tOo deEp bY oTheR frIenDs....
i AlwaYs waNNa RuN uP tO u anD giVe u a Hug tO lEt u KnoW thAt i'm thErE foR u
i dOn wAnt tO bE liKe thOse BasTaRd whO hUrt u sO deEplY...
u waN pEoplE whO unDersTanD u, liSteN tO u, suPPorT u...
buT lOOks likE i'M noT tHe chOOseN oNe anYmoRe...



TaeKwoNdo (sHOulD hAvE sOMe moRE... i ThreW iT aWaY)

loOkinG aT mY aChieVmenT... makE mE waNNa laUgh & cRy aT thE sAme tiMe...

iT iS tiMe i shOUld lEaVe anD stARt mY liFe nEw...
pEoplE miGht saY i'M ruNNing AwaY...
maYbE... i'M ruNNinG aWaY... lol

Posted at Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WooO... YesTerDay CriEd NoN sTop... bUt i FelT VeRy clAm nOw...
i GuEss i'M TiRed fRom WaiTinG toO lonG...
i GueSs i hAd WeNt tOo FaR foR a FrieNdShiP...
sO FaR thAt i hAd WenT ovErbOaRd...
So Far ThaT i WenT bEyonD thE BounDaRy liNe...
i'M suPPosE tO bE a paSSer-bY...
I'm suPPoSe tO bE goNe miSSinG bY noW...
buT i'M noT...

i keEp TeLLinG mYSelF saYinG thAt u wiLL bE baCk...
i KeeP reMinDinG mYselF thAt i'Ve maDe ProMiseS tO u...
i kEeP makIng mYselF ReaDy tO bE thErE foR u... buT i'm juSt a StanD-bY...
I RmB thAt u TreAsUre FrieNd sO muCh MorE thaN mE... anD ThaT's whaT i LEaRnt frM u...
anD whEn i LeaRN hoW tO tReaSuRE a FrieNd aS muCh As u dO...thE cloSeNeSs iS noT thErE anYmoRe...
i KnoW thAt...
nO moRe...

i ReaLLy waN tO foRgeT thAt vErY wrONg FeElinG... sO thAt wE caN juSt bE frieNd...
thE feElinG iS siMplY... SO WRONG~ =\
i WaN tO gO baCk tO thE pErsOn whO dO noT havE anY emOtioN...
i waN tO Go baCk aNd bE a pAssEr-bY...
noT onLi iN uR liFe... buT iN oThErs liFe tOo...

Posted at Sunday, April 13, 2008

HoW lonG CAn A pERsON waIT foR A FrienD tO reTurN??
PeOpLe KeEp teLLinG mE thaT aLL u NEeD iS tiMe... anD oSo dOn TiRed MySelF oUT wHilE waItinG...
i'M stiLL wAitiNg... foR u tO bE thE olD yoU whO iS wiLLinG tO taLk eVerytHinG abT hErselF...

i Got a qnS tO aSk:
i waNNa waLk iN thE rAin sO thaT nO onE kNow thAt i'm CryinG... u OnCe tOld mE thAt u wiLL wAlk wiTh mE... wiLL u dO iT thE saMe FoR noW??

HaHa... i'M lAuGhiNg aT mYselF... i thInk i HaD goNe CRaZy aLreAdy... foR aSkinG QuEstiOnS thAt dO noT gEt baCk anY anSwEr... anD yEt... stiLL waiTinG foR anS...

i"m a VerY anGrY gaL nOwaDAys..
EverY liTTle thinG aBouT aRchEry mIghT ExplOd Me...
ThOse mOnkEys diSScuSeD maNy tHinGs aMonG thEmselVes wiThouT lEttinG mE kNOw...
i FelT sO lEfT oUt... foR mE bEinG thE cLoSesT SeniOrs tO thEm... anD yEt i Didn'T evEn kNoW thaT thEy haD goNe sO faR...
wHo aM i To thEm?!?!
a SeniOr whO wiLL onLy Be inForMed aFTer thEy haD fiNiSh thE DiscUssiOn??
a fRienD whO iS aDDeD inTo thE diSScusSion??
i GuEss i"m juSt a SenioR tO thEm... a SeNioR thAt iS nOt NeeDeD... NoT a FrieND...
WhaT iS thE puRpoSe oF mE geTTinG clOSe tO thEm?!?!
i ShouLdn'T haD liSteN tO soMEonE anD tRieD sO haRd geTTinG clOSe tO othEr Ppl...
i DoN SeE thE nEEd oF mE iN thEm... thEy wiLL seTTle thiNGs bY thEmSelVes...

mAyBe i shOuld liStEn tO whaT mY fRienD toLd mE - wAit... beCoS thEy wiLL aPProAcH u whEn thEy aRe aT wiTs enD anD whEn thEy nEeD hElp...
i tHink... By thaT tiMe i'LL bE laugHinG aT thEm baH [eviL mE =X ]

Posted at Sunday, April 6, 2008

i'M hErE tO bLoG aBt mY tRip To PulAu UbiN tO cYcLe YesTeRdaY...

It iS a sUpEr UNevEnTfuL DaY...

miNNie RoLLeD oFF thE biKe whiLe goInG doWn thE sTeeP slOpe wHilE cyClinG...!
HeR LefT ElboW GoT a 1CM cuT aNd sLighT fRaCtuRE iN thE bOnE tOo...
sHe GoT hiT oN hEr HeaD... anD cuT anD bRuiS oN boTh HEr Knees...
whIle wAitinG fOr AmBuLanCe aftEr ShE roLLed oFF... shE iS kiNd oF seMi-ConScioUS... i KeEp SlAppInG hEr FaCe tO enSuRe thAt shE dOn doZe oFF....
Ask hEr tO BiTe a ToWEl tO enDuRe thE pAin whEn i CleaN oFF thE DiRt sTruCk oN HeR wOunD...
DeN Me anD miNNie tOOk thE cOaSt jEt BoaT baCk tO SinGaPoRe whiLe JereMy aNd BooN reTurn thE biKe aLL thesE... ThEn mE aNd miNNie tOOk aN aMbuLAnCe tO chAnGi HoSpiTal fIRsT.... foLLowEd bY ThE reSt taKinG TaxI...
WhoA... shE sEriOUsly aTTraCh AttEntiOn siA... hEr sHiRt iS fuLL Of DrieD uP mUd... buT thE coloUr lOOk liKe iS DriEd uP bLoOd... hAhA
HmM... How dO i ExplaIn hEr inJuries leh...
alThoUgh shE faLL oFF frM thE biCyCle... BuT shE LoOKs liKe sHe faLL oFF FrOm riDiNg BiKe...
FoR evErytHinG tO bE doNe--> X-RaY, wOunD CleaN uP, sTitCh anD puT oN CaSt...
wE wAiTeD foR abT 6hr... ThEn... We sEnT miNNie hOmE sO tHat wE wiLL eXplAin thInGs tO hEr pARenT... EvEryThiNG enDeD arOunD 12.15aM...
JusT shaG...

AnD tOdaY iS mY nEigHboUR's 5 yR old BiRthdaY...
i bEcOme oNe oF thE oRgaNizOr... hAhA...
mEaNinG thE KinG oF chIldRen...
comE ouT wiTh gaMe anD plaY wiTh thE wHoevEr kiDs iS thEre...
BuT... SerioUSly... i OnLi finD eMptIneSS iN mYselF...
bEgAnniNG tO fEEl tHe TirEneSS iN mY liFe... aGaIn...

Posted at Friday, April 4, 2008

Hi... i"m bAcK...
WhilE... tHis whOle wEeK iS Bz wiTh FYP BaSicAllY...
sO faR wE haVe CompLEteD 8/10 oF ouR CaMp VisiT aNd inTerViewS...
anD oH shiT... i HavE yeT tO wRite My RepoRt..>.<
All thE piCs caN dO thE taLkiNg... LolS...

DaY1 - OnLi gOt 3 oF uS... JiNyiNg, SeaN & mE...
ToOk a buS tO thE caMp... vEry lOng JouRneY... pAsSed bY aN aBaNDon BuiLdiNg SoMewhEre neAr Lim ChU KanG... deN whEn wE reaCheD thE BuS sTop, wE stiLL hAve tO waLk a FrEakinG lonG rOUte doWn bEfoRe wE reAch tHe caMp... ~faiNt~
wHiLe waLkinG doWn thE roUte... A PoliCe caR driVe pAsSed Us...
Kao! thE pOliCe DiDn'T stOp whEn We WaVed At tHe caR, HoPiNg thAt thEy wiLL sTop anD giVe uS a RidE tO thE caMpsiTe... ~hEaRtlEsS~
AfTEr thAt, wE wEnt To ThE GoaT faRm NearBy... i BouGht GoaT miLk agAin... WhiCh meAn i BrOuGht anOther StYRoFoaM ConTaINer HomE... HaHa... GoNNa uSe It tO coNtaIn caNs oF DriNks whEn i gO beaCh nExT tiMe...=X

DaY 2- wE wEnT tO DaiRy FarM CaMpsiTe...
WhEre thE CaMp iS siTuaTed NeaR bUkiT TiMaH...
iN thE caMp... thErE iS a SmaLL waTerFaLL oF FreSh sPrinG waTer... wE trIeD thE waTer (excEpt foR JinYinG)... hAhA... JusT hOpe thAt No oNe Pee aT thE tOp oF thE BukiT tiMah... =P
JusT beFOre wE lEaVe ThE caMp... i sPottEd a ColOuRfuL "piGeOn"... anD ToOk a QuiCk piC oN iT... hAhA... i"ve UploAD iT... trY tO fiNd thE biRd iF u CaN...

DaY 3- We wEnT tO OBS aT PulAu UbiN...
FirsT tiMe i SeT mY fOOt oN PulaU uBin... \\(^_^)//
thE ppL oVeR tHeRe brIng Us aRounD thE whOLe caMpsiTe... So fuN lAh...!
GeT tO sEE quARRy... ToOk sOme PHoTos oF iT...
wE wEnT tO thE boTTom oF thE QuaRRy... WaH... i AbiT caN't TaKe thE aiR pResSuRe aT thaT tiMe... aNd WhEn wE GeT ouT oF tHE quArrY... i GoT hEaDAcHe =\

DaY 4- WenT tO FoCuS aDvEnTUre @ seNtoSA
DamN haPPy oVer theRe!!! BecoS thE pErsON-In-chaRgE lEt uS gO tO theiR caMpsiTe iN bIntAm anD plAy...FOC!!!
SO... We aRe plAnniNG tO gO thEre duRinG ouR juNe HoliDaY ~HaPPy~
iT iS mY chaNcE tO gEt mY paSSpoRt frM mY MuM... WaHAhAH....
(i"m So Not GoiNG tO reTurN MY pAsSpoRT BAcK tO hEr whEn i RetuRn FrM thE trIP)

AfTEr thAt... siNce wE aRe aT seNtoSa AlReaDy... wE wEnT tO paLawaN BeaCh afTer tHe caMp ViSiT @ aRounD 1.15Pm... ThE whEthEr oVer thErE iS DaMn hOt... buT iS mY chAnCe tO taN mY baCk... As My baCk Didn'T haVe Gd TaN maRk...
We plAyeD fRIsBee oVeR thErE... bUt for 1hR liKe Tat... wE deCidEd tO gO oFF...

hMMm... oThEr thAn thAt... nOthiNg lE baH... hAha... ScHooL re-OpeN sOOn... MaRkinG oF mY yR 3 liFe gOnnA stArt sOOn... SiaN
VicOuS CyCle goNNa stArt AgaIn...
PPl coMe iNto liFe... PpL waLk oUT oF liFe...
hAppY evEnTs haPPenED... HeaRt BreAkinG evEnt tOOk oVeR thE liFe...
SoMeTimES... i JusT wiSh tO liE dOwN... CloSe mY eyEs... dO noThinG... anD... sToP sTruGGlinG iN mY liFe...

ThiNgs ChanGes... sO aRe peOple...
buT i HoPe thAt ouR FrieNdsHip wOn"t... bEcoS i"ll nV lEt u Go...
i KeeP teLLinG mYselF thAT u CaN dO iT..aLL u NeeD iS tiMe..TiCk TocK tiCk tOcK...i"m hErE..aLwAys..WaiTinG

Posted at

LaTeR thAn i BloG abT whAt haPPenEd tO mE noWaDaYs...
haVinG FuN alOt wiTh mY FYP MemBerS... =]

FYP daY 1 --> Jln BahTerA --> OnLi GoT 3 Of uS, SeaN & zuL miSSinG

thE roAd tO thE cAmP iS FreaKy loNg...KaO!! (sEE foR UrSelF)

ThEn wE wEnT tO goAt FaRm... oPs... iT loOk aBiT wrOnG... buT nOpe TheY aRe noT maTinG
tiS stuPid goAt goT iT foOT stuCk On ThE rAiliNg... LOL

DaY 2 --> DiArY faRm --> NatuRaL wAteRfaLL iNsiDe thE caMp, WaTer frM BukiT TiMah

ThEre iS a GreeN BirD oN thE tRee... caN seE???
It ToOk Me qUitE awHilE tO fiGuRe oUt whY i TooK thiS piC aFteR i ReAcHeD hoMe =D

DaY 3 --> OBS, PulAu UbiN --> oUr GroUp pHotOs tAkeN aT a QuArrY

ThE biGGesT quArrY iN pUlaU uBiN, NoT oPeN tO pUbliC dE....

DaY 4 --> foCuS aDveNtUre, SeNtosA --> raNdoM piC TakEn bY sEaN

thiS iS a REAL moUse TraP...(O.o!) thEy uSe MouSe TraP foR gaMe!!

siNcE wE aRe aT seNtoSa, wE weNt tO PaLawAn bEaCh tO hAVe fuN...
ErM... tiS iS mE... yEs iS mE!! sEaN tOoK thiS piC dE...