Posted at Saturday, June 28, 2008
ToDAy wenT To BotaK joNes At MArsiLinG AreA...
deN tHe ReceIpt sHow thIs... -.-
i SpeNt 3 dAys TrYinG tO fIx a PaiR oF BoW limBs...
i dOnnO iS HoW mAny haNd AlreaDy... mAyBe 2nD haNd / 3Rd haNd?
bEcoS tHe liMbs hAs paiNt on iT anD aN VERY uGly CoaTinG oN iT...
i CAnnOt TaHan thE lOOk oF thE liMbs BecOs i"m a D&T sTudEnt...
sO i RemoVe tHe laYer oF UglY coAtiNg Frm ThE limBs...
SaNd tHe lImbs A liTTle anD Re-ApplY tHe CoAtinG...
lOok KinDa SucceSSfuL... hoPefuLLy iT wiLL pAsS thE laSt teSt TmL
whIcH iS nOt To BreaK DuRinG sHooTinG...
DaMn sCaRe thAt it'LL faIled...
deN aLL mY eFForT wiLL bE gOnE...
thE Pain wiLL bE thEre... AlwaYS thEre...
juSt liKe thE craCk thAt wiLL bE thEre... aLWaYs ThEre...
noW i thiNk i UndErstAnd whAt doEs It mEaN...
wHaT haPPenEd ExActLy?!?!
Ppl wHo TauGht mE hOw tO smiLe...
taUght mE hOw tO cRy ToO...
i gUesS ThE mOre tHe ImpOrtaNt thE pErsOn iS...
thE mOre ExTreMe tHe JoY & saDneSs iT iS...
Posted at Tuesday, June 24, 2008
这次真的算了... 别再耍我了...
i FelT liKe i'M a ComPleTe IdiOt wHeN i keEp StrEtcHinG mY nEck, lOOkinG wHethEr thE PerSon haD ReaCHed oR noT...
i FelT aS iF i'M liKe a ChiLd...LoNginG fOr sOmEonE...
bUt No oNe caMe... NoThiNg HappEneD...
onLi DisAppoInTmeNt... iT's jUst So paiNfuL...
aNgEr Did crEEp uPoN mE whEn thEre iS nO ResPonD... whEn thEre iS nO reaSon giVen foR nOt coMinG...
ThEre iS nO PoiNt aSkinG FoR reAsOn...
thEre iS nO pOinT tHinKinG whAt miGht bE thE ReaSon...
nO poiNt thInkinG diD wE cLosE uP tHe disTanCe bEtwEEn thE boTh oF uS oR nOt...
sHe iS nOt ReaDy tO bE baCk yEt!! thAt iS thE oNli ReaSon i CaN gEt mYseLf tO cOol doWn!!
i"m suCH aN iDioT tO thInk thIs waY...
wiNNie u aRe SuCh a MorOn tO beLieVe tHat thEre iS sOme ImPrOveMenT...
eVerYthinG iS No lOnGer thE saMe... aNymoRe...
slAp uRselF aWaKe plS... sLaP uRseLf AwaKe winNie
Posted at Friday, June 20, 2008
i'M pRaCticAlly DeaD...
So DeaD...
i CouLdn'T WaKe uP oN tiMe ThiS WHOLE wEek!!
HaiYo... So RaRe oF mE... sO WiErD...
i DoNNo wHy... HaiZ...
weLL... GivE iT a TrY siNCe sHe hAs dO iT...
mAybE sHe hAs TakE a sTeP ouT oF thE shAdoW...
whY nOt Do iT tOo... To lEt hEr kNow i'M thEre stiLL...
mAybE thEre iS nO AnS fOr thE qnS thAt iS iN tHe BrAin...
bUt aT leAst i KnoW sHe iS trYinG tO mAkE hErSelF..there..
i GoT a ChaMpIon aLL tHe waY doWn tO FaiLuRe...
FailUre?? aRe thEy??
i DoN cOnsiDer tHosE iNjuRed aS FaiLuRe As thEy wiLL reCoVer...
JusT doNNo HoW muCh tiMe thEY nEEd onLi...
bUt hoW aBt THoSe thAt GoinG thRouGH TrAiniNg All thE whiLe dE... aNd stiLL FaiLed To MakE anY ImpRoveMent aT aLL...??
iS thAt aNy otHer waY i CaN TraiN thEM uP??
DoN bE bAis wiNNie...
u cAn'T FoCus oN thE chaMpiOn oNli...
theY MaY bE JeaLouS bEcoS oF thAt...
bUt hOw?!?!
WhAt caN i dO tO trAiN thEm uP AND AlsO MaiNtaIn thE StaNdarD oF thE chaMpioN??
i hAve No iDeA... i haVe No ConFideNce...
Posted at Tuesday, June 17, 2008
i ReaLise AngeLynN puT a pIc oF mE anD hEr aS DP...
doNNo whY buT i'M FeeLinG haPPy SuddeNly...
ComE tO thInk oF iT...
shE tOOk uP thE couRaGe To tAke pHotoS wiTh mE firsT...
wHicH iS soMethInG Tat i Don DaRe tO dO...
sHe iS wiLLinG tO puT thaT piC aS DP...
oSo aNothEr tHinG Tat i DaRe nOt tO dO...
aLthOUgh i puT thAt DP tOo... buT FeaR CreeP upoN mE sOOn AftEr thAt...
WhaT iF sHe sAw mE puT thE saMe piC aS hEr... deN aLL thE MemOriEs RetuRn??
WhAt iF bEcOs i puT thE saMe DP aS hEr... ShE FelT PresSuRised...??
WhaT if...WhaT iF... WhAt iF...????
HaPPy... bUt i'M soRRy tAt i chAnge mY DP fiRst...
sO tHaT whEN u ChaNge uR DP... u wiLL noT bE aFFecTEd By miNe DP...
oR... i wOn't bE aFFeCted bY thE cHanGes...
Labels: i cAn't StaY puT anD eNjoY thE mOmEnT... i hAVe tO moVe On
Posted at
NUS inDooR iS OvEr...
i'M stiLL asKinG mYselF...
"wiNNie... u aRe aFraId To taKe ThE boW aGaiN anD sHOoT... rIGhT??"
I GoT 2 "M" iN thE cOMpeTitiOn...
vEry sOrrY tO wEe BooN aS i cOulDn'T geT whaT Wee BooN waNts frOm Me...
mY fEaR maKes mE gO bliNd oN thAT daY...
wHeN i sTeP aWaY frOm tHE sHooTinG liNe... i CaN seE tHiNGs cLeaRer... aLthoUgh stiLL blUR
bUt WhEn i'M oN thE sHooTinG liNe... mY VisIon wiLL Go sEriouSly BluR...
i CoulDn't AiM aT aLL... =\
ppL saY iS bEcoS i'M weaRinG cOntAcT lenSe... thAt's wHY thE VisIon wiLL BluRRed
But i KnoW it"s nOt... i'Ve FaiLed...
WeN xuAN GoT 1St In ThiS cOMpeTitiON... WaHAhAhA
AnoTheR caSe oF "booM", aNoThEr wiNNer CaMe Up frM nOwhEre suDDenLy...
wOrtH tEaCHinG ThE GaLs... bUt thE boYs... HaiZ...
Oh Btw...
MinniE laBeLed mE aS thE beGGar ArchEr... LoL
BeCoS... oThEr tHAn mY FinGer tAb & SlinGer... NoNe oF thE EquipMenT iS miNe... =X
aS mY ChesT GuaRd iS SpoilEd... i GoT 1 frM Wei LuN...
BoW baG --> aNGeLyNN
BoW StAnD --> AnGelYnn
StriNgeR --> aNGeLyNN
arM GuaRd --> mR tAnG
HoyT GM --> Wee BooN
SiGht --> Wee BOon
SiDe StaBs --> wEe BooN
LonG sTab --> ScHooL
StriNg --> sChooL
ArroWs --> sChoOL
QuiVer --> sChooL
i GuEsS i"m tHe oNly ArChEr thAt goT tHE leAst pErsoNaL EquiPmEnt foR sHooTinG baH...
NoWdaYs i'Ve qUiTe aCtiVE bACk iN TKD...
i GuEss i GoiNg FoR 1 TKD cOmpEtitiOn wHiCh heLd iN JulY...
tiMe FoR mE tO trAiN uP aGaIn...
Posted at Friday, June 13, 2008
yEs!!! i'M a SelFiSh pErSoN!! [[SlaP mYselF]]
"your friend treat you so good and because of affairs of the heart you decide to be selfish and leave them alone to be with the one which left her in the end. in the end, you lost both your great friends and your love"
I KnoW i'vE doNe mAnY thINgs thAt iS uNfoRgiVaBle bY thE oThEr...
iT's RiGhT tO bE ScolDeD...
i SHoulD bE sColDeD...
i DeSerVe tO bE ScolDeD...
thaNks foR ScOldinG mE...
i"m sO DaMn RegRet riGht NoW...
bEcoS i'M seLfisH... i'Ve maDe suCh aN UnForGiVeaBle DeciSion...
i"m ThE oNe wHo sTaRteD EveRythiNg...
i ShouLd bE sTruCk By liGhtNinG...
WaNTeD tO saY SoRRy...
bUt iT's tOo laTE aLReaDy...
tHe woUnD thAt i InFlicTed tO mY DeaResT fRienD iS sO paiNfuL thAt sHe wiLL nEvEr foRgeT iT... And ShE haS wAlkeD AwAy...
i'M soRRy...
i"m sO sOrrY...
i'LL nEvEr FoRgiVe MyseLf...
NeVeR... foRgiVe... mYseLf...
Labels: mY ReTriButiOn
Posted at
My ChesTGuaRd iS DeAd...
aFteR 6 yRs oF ServinG mE... iT fiNallY diEd oN mE...
WeaRinG thE olDesT... DiRtiEsT... SmeLLiEsT ChesTguARd tO cOmpEtiTioN EvEryTiMe...
i'M vEry ReluCtaNt tO bUy a nEw onE... vEry ReluCtaNt tO chAnGe iT... =\
i"m sO haPPy TaT fiNaLLy thEre iS sOmeOnE whO CaN wEnt oVEr thE mEnTaL ObsTaCle aNd RemAin HaPPy iN sHooTiNg DesPiTe hEr BoDy caN't TaKe iT aNymoRe...
thAt pErsOn iS wEn xuAn... fiNallY... sHe iS thE ONLY 1 whO goT thE kiLLer AuRa foR CompEtitOn...!
i"m So HaPPy FoR hEr... sErioUslY
[[oH shiT]]
i'm Emo-InG rIghT nOW... [[SlaP mYseLF]]
pLs pLs PlS... GeT ouT oF mY miNd plS...!!
i wiSh thAt sOmEonE juSt bRokE mY aRm...
i WiSh thAt i'M faLLinG ReaL siCk noW...
i WiSh thAt mY fEet iS iNjuReD DuriNg SpaRRinG...
i wIsH tO diSaPPeAr riGhT noW...
i wiSh thAt i"m losT In SomE iSlaNd riGht noW...
i wISh i GoT inTo sOme CaR aCCideNt noW...
aNythIng thAt caN maKe mE rUn aWaY FrM aNythINg anD eVerytHinG...
pLs pLs PlS... JuSt GeT ouT oF mY miNd...!!
iT iS a TorMenT, A ToRtuRe tO bE eMo
vEry paiNfuL aS iF a KniFe sTaBBeD inTo mY heArt...
thE ScreaM iN mY hEaD iS siLenCe...
TaKe mE ouT plS...
SoMeboDy... aNYboDy...
Posted at Thursday, June 12, 2008
4aM In ThE moRninG RiGhT nOW...
i'Ve JuSt FinISh ShoWeriNg...
wAiTinG FoR mY HaiR tO dRy a liTTle BiT moRe beFoRe i HiT ThE piLLoW...
hMmM... iNTeResTeD To kNOw whAT thE heLL i'M DoinG riGhT???
i MeEt Up wiTh mY TaEkWoNdO [TKD] FrieNds FoR trAininG aT wOOdlaNd CC...
aFtEr thAt wEnT tO MaC FoR diNNe... @ 11pM... -.- [CoNfiRm FaT aFtEr ThE meaL]
WooT... mY kiCkinG SkiLL Is sTiLL thEre~~[i ThinK =P]
mY lEg iS iTchinG FoR fiGhtInG riGhT noW... =p
buT mY SpaRRinG TecHniC sEriouSly DroPPed aLoT, i SeeM tO hEstiTaTe aLoT =\
thEn, ThEre iS aN uPcoMinG TKD ComPEtitiOn iN juLy...SoOoOooO TeMpTinG tO gO
bUt ThaiLanD aRchEry ComPetiTioN hEld iN JulY tOO... [FaiNt]
dEn AftEr diNNer... EvEryonE doN feeL liKe gOinG HomE taT EarLy....
So i SuggesTed goiNg To thE ParK bEsiDe Rp...
waLk HeRe WaLk ThERe... ChiT ChaT hEre chIt ChaT thEre...
fiNisH waLKinG LiaO wEnT tO 7-11 @ bLk 883 tO bUy DrinKs...
DeN waLk To soMe oThEr voId DeCk tO coNtiNiuE ChiT chAttiNg...
mY FrieNd suGgesTed mE gO tO SiNgaPoRe PoLy tO trAin wiTh hiM...
vErY vEry TemPteD tO gO...
buT i DeCidEd tO staY wiTh iN thE clUb anD TraiN toGethEr wiTh hiS siStEr... lOL...
mE pRacTiCallY waTcH hiS yOUnGer siS GroW uP lAh... lOl...
bEfoRe i lEfT thE clUb... sHe iS ShorTeR thAn mE... NoW... SligHtlY taLLer thAn mE liAo...
WoRtH trAiniNG toGeThEr wiTh hEr thiS tiMe roUnD... waHaHahA...
iT iS tiMe i shOuld RetuRn tO TKD lE baH... [[buT i NEeD tO woRk >.<]]
sO... TKD oR woRk?? =\
DeN i FouNd oUt SoMEthiNG!!
mY feEt gOt a BilStEr... thE biLstEr cOntaIn bLooD...
mEaNinG thAt thE iNNer sKin iS ToRn duRinG TraIniNG...!
waH fAinT...
quIte LuCkY thAt i didN't inJureD mY aRm oR feEt... =]
bEcoS NUS inDooR iS juSt 2 DaYs aWaY...
CoMe oN wiNNie... JiA yOU!!!
wiNNie...yOu caN dO iT de!!!!
iT'S nOT aBt thE meDaL buT to FinD baCk uR paSSioN foR aRchErY...!!!
hoW i WiSh tHEre iS SomEonE tO paT oN mY baCk anD jiA yOu foR mE... =\
i mAy loOk sTroNg doEsn'T meAn thAt i caN't DeServE aNy CaRe anD cOnCeRn
Posted at Sunday, June 8, 2008
oKaY... NeXt AcTiViTies oF ThE WeEks... ARCHERY CAMP 2008
ThuRsdaY tO SaTurDaY:
aRChEry CaMp... A loT oF fuNNy MoMenT...
AloT oF GaMe PlaYed mOre thAn TeaChinG thE yR 1...
OnLi 10 Yr1 aTTenDed thE caMp... [[FaiNt... SeriOUSly FaiNt]]
DaY 1:
mE anD pECk leNg lOOk aFter thE stuFF moSt oF ThE tiMe..
kInD oF "InAcTiVe" i'LL saY... sO i DiDn'T iNterAcT mUCh wiTh thE resT...
DeN aNgeLyNn caMe aLonG... caN sEe tHat aLL ThE KiDs miSs hEr aLot aLot...
coS thEy keeP suAnNinG hEr... AlThoUght iT iS a IncOrreCt waY tO exPresS HoW muCh thEy miSS hEr... buT seRiouSly... ThEy BecOmE hiGh afTer sHe hAs coMe...
SaW aNgeLyNN pLAyinG gaMes HaPPily wiTh tHe ResT... i FeLT 欣慰 GraTiFied...
JuSt hOpe ThAt shE reaLLy EnJoY HerSelF...
i TrYinG tO SiaM aWaY frM hEr BaH... sO thAt i dOn GiVe hEr aNy PreSsUre... dOn LeT HeR tHinK baCk oF thOse MeMoRies...
oR lEt sAy... thIs tiMe rouNd... i"m ruN aWaY frM hEr baH...
BuT ThEn wHeN iT's TiMe tO sLP... AnGelyNN wEnT miSsinG...
FreaK... i WenT ouT tO lOOk FoR hEr... OuTsiDe iS frEaKinG ColD... i WaS shIVErinG loR...
SeaRchiNg aRounD liKe a HeaDleSs fLy LoR unTil I SaW hEr waLkinG baCk tO thE sLeePinG AreA... HaHa... i sColDed mYselF foR bEiNg sO kPo aLthoUgh i FelT ReliEvEd At thE saMe TimE... coS sHe lOOk TroUbLe At thAt tiMe...
Old HabiT DiE HarD i thInk... aLwaYs CaN't HelP woRRyinG foR hEr... [SlaP mYselF]
daY 2
aLL tHe Yr1 WoKe uP EaRliEr thAn thE seNioRs lOr (-.-")
IniTaLLy GaVe tHe Yr1 plAy TeaM eVenT oNli... bUt BecOs EvErythInG enDeD EaRly... i SuGgesTed IKO... wOOt! FaRhAn iS thE StrOngeSt aMonG thE yr1... jiN sHEnG iS thE DaRk HoRsE oN thAt daY... BoTh oF thEm ShoT suPer wEll oN thAt daY... sUre EnTerTaIn EvEryonE AloT...
sUddEnLy... TeaM paNicK wAntEd ChaLLeNge SomEonE...
i SuGGesTed WeN xUaN, AnGelyNn anD mE vErUs JeRemY, MaX AnD jUnIor...
i dOnnO iS iT a Gd Or BaD IdeA aSkiNg AnGelYnn tO sHooT... i DoN wAn hEr tO hAvE thE FeeLiNg oF bEiNG foRcEd tO sHOot... TaT's WhaT i AfrAiD thE moSt...
oF cOs... caN seE thAt anGelyNn HaVeN loSt heR toUch... anD thE gaLs wOn...
thE FoRfeiT foR thE BoYs iS tO haVe CloThes PeG 'KiaP' aT BotH thEiR niPPles deN PuLL thE PeG ouT By thE GaLs... waH i tEll U hoR... it's FUN seeiNG thEir pAinfuL FaciAl ExPressIoN... lol
BuT i FeeL thE paIn foR theM tOo =P
DaY 3:
WoKe uP aRd 8aM... thE resT waNNa sLp mOre...
WoRk Up aRd 10aM... ThE ResT stiLL waNNa sLp mOre...
WoRk uP arD 12Pm... ThE ResT AbT tO waKe uP liaO... ExCepT For MiNNie... AlWaYs sO diFfiCulT tO waKe hEr Up...
DeN fOUnD oUt thAt i'M ruNNinG laTe tO geT mySelF pRepaRed foR wEE BoOn's WeDDinG diNNer... sO i SkIp BruNch anD weNt HomE fiRst...
DeN chaNGe... PuT mAkE uP... deN wEnT tO mY eX hSe tO bOrroW HiGh heeL sHOes frM hIs sIs... HaVe a QuiCk MeaL deN heaDed To MooKiE's HsE...
AloT oF tiMe i"m TrYinG tO mAKe MooKie's DriNk...
hE enDeD uP druNk... OppS... Heee...
wEE bOOn tOO~!
So FuNNy whEn i KeeP WaveiNg mY iNdeX fiNgEr iN frOnT oF HiS FaCe... LoL!!
hE cAn"t RmB thAt AnGeLyNn haD RetuRneD hIm hiS MeMoRy CaRd... Lol... MsG mE AsKinG iS AnGeL GoiNg dOwn FoR NUS oR nOt bEcoS hE wAnnA gEt baCk HiS MeMoRy CaRd ThE neXt daY... Lol
[oK Ok CoMe BaCk]
AftEr thAt... StaYed OvErNiGht aT MooKie'S hSe...
ChiT ChaTTinG wiTh wAn tiNg unTil 4aM liKe tat whiLe thE ResT FaLL aSleeP...
WhoA... thiS tiMe RouNd i've ReaLLy ReaCh mY liMiT LiaO... HeAdacHe cAughT Up On Me LiaO... aFter 6 DaYs oF NoN sToP aCtiViTiEs... KO~
HaVe PraTa FoR BreaKfasT... deN WeNt hoMe aFTer thaT...
DoNNo whaT tO saY... sO i jUSt ReMaIn siLeNt iN thE trAin...
Posted at
OkaY... oNe WHOLE weeK oF aCtiviTies... tOdaY deN oFFicaLLy ReAcH hOMe anD ResT...
MoNdaY To WeDnesDaY:
weNt tO BintaN FoR FYP... bUt AcTuaLLy Is foR FuN moRe thAn FYP... =X
CoS ouR MenToR doESn't KnOw aBt tHe TrIp aT aLL... We aLL weNt thEre SeCreTlY de... Shhhh
wE stAyed iN aiR-cOn DOrmiTry... We PlaYed PaiNTbaLL, All-TerriN VehiCle AnD aNd anD aDDitiOnAl oF JEt SkI oVer thEre!! aLL FoR frEE... SerIouSly VerY GreaTfuL tO FOcuS AdVenTurE!!
i TiO HeaD sHOt
eVerYonE pAid onLi $10.50 foR 2 daY oF luNCh & diNNer oNli... bUt enDeD uP thE In-ChaRge OvEr thEre GeT uS bReaKfaSt ToO... SoOo SwEEt oF thEm!!
ThE sCeNerY iS siMplY SupErb...iT hElP tO clEaR mY minD alOt...
i fOrgoT aBt thOse thInGs thAt i'M ruNNinG aWaY frM... i FoRgoT aBT thOse thinGs thAt CruShinG doWn oN mE...
DaY 2 weNt To ThE bEaCh aNd plAy... DuRinG thE evEninG tiMe wE WenT tO paSar OlEh OlEh To HaVe diNNer anD bUy SoUvEniR... i BouGht a DreSs oVeR thERe tOO...
Oh oH oH!! wE saW soMe kIttEn taTs oNli 5-7 DaYs olD niA... So CuTe... So InnOceNt~
WaH seH... sOmeoNe MenTioNeD SomEboDy... SuDDenLy... i TuRn On mY "ruNNinG mOod" aGaIn... haHa
bUt i jUst CaN sToP mYSeLF aSkiNg hoW iS ThAt pErsOn liFe... iS ShE FiNe? Is sHe reaLLy fiNe??
hA hA... i"m RuNninG awaY & yEt i"m sTaYiNg PuT...
IdiOtiC Me RiGht...
ThEn, wHilE dRinKinG iN ThE pUb OvEr tHEre...
SeaN aSked mE: whY evErytiMe whEn hE iS loOkinG aT mE... mY faCe aLwaYs lOoK sO TroUblEd?
i dOnnO hOw tO anS hIm... i dOnno EveN kNoW HoW tO aNs mYSeLF tOo...
sO i aNyhOw coMe uP wiF aN AnS... SayIng thAT i alwAy pLaNNinG WhAt iS tHe NexT ThiNG tO dO iN mY braIn...=X
DaY 3 iS A sPeCiaL daY foR Me BecOs ThE PerSoN-In-chArgE bRiNg mE To eXploRe sOmE plAcEs oN hiS sCrAmBlEr biKe... mE oNLi lEh!! =P
DeN afTEr thAt BoTh oF uS Go PaCkeT LuNch FoR thE reSt whO aRe stiLL slEEpinG iN thE DoRm...
iT iS suCh a UnfoRgeTaBle ExpeRienCe iN mY liFe...
LoVe HiM vEry VeRy muCh *muAck*
Posted at Sunday, June 1, 2008
waH... DamN laZy To moVe nOw...=X
anD i HavEn paCk My baG foR thE biNtaN TrIp tmL...
i GoT blUeBlaCk oN mY RiGHt thiGh [cauSed bY miNNie]
i GoT BliStEr oN boTh mY feeTs [ShoE nOt SeaSoneD EnouGh]
i GoT bLuebLacK oN mY boW aRm [tiS sHoWs thAt mY foRm iS noT tHeRe aT aLL]
mY RiGht sHoUlDer iS iN paiN [cauSed By iMprOpEr puLLinG oF aRRows oUt]
I ConSidEr YesTerDaY NiGht 70% suCCesSfuL bAh...
nOt evEryOnE TuRn uP... MaX anD JereMy weNt HomE eArlY...
FraNkly SpeAkinG... i DiDn"t ExcEpt aNgelYnn woUld cOMe aLonG sO steAdilY...
CoS i dOnnO sHe iS RuNNinG aWaY stiLL oR waD...
i'M qUitE sCaRe thAt bAd MemoRieS wiLL caUghT uP oN hEr whEn shE saW mE...
HaD sUbwaY SaNdwiCh FoR diNNer...
deN heaD toWaRd VillA bAli To cHill oUt...
daMn hiGh PResSuRe bEcoS i doNNo hOw To gO thErE...
sO sCaRe thAt i LeaD thEm tO nOwhErE neaR thE DesTinaTioN...
LucKy caN reaCh ThE plaCe aR~~ pHeW...
wE oRdEreD maRteLL... lUckY i DiDn"t maDe tHe wRonG chOiCe oN MarteLL...
NoW eVeryoNE KnOW thAt BlacK LabEL tAstE SuCky LiaO~ lol
WaH i TeLL u HoR...
At THe StaRt... EvEryoNe Is vEry QuieT dE lOr...
FreAk mE oUt laH!!! i'M sO scaRe thAt evEryonE iS boRed...
i'M sO scaRe thAt thEre iS noThiNG tO taLk abOuT...
bUt afTer awhiLe...
evEryoNe sEEm tO gO haYwiRe~
thIs oNE laUgH aT hEr LauGhtEr...
ThaT oNE laUgh aT hiS UnCoNtroLLaBle hiCCupS...
AnOthEr oNe laUgh aT ThEir ActiOns...
i LaUgh bEcoS oF SomE WaRpPed ThEoRy... [Seat & stOmaCh hAs thE saMe ChiNesE ProNounCatiOn]
evEronE laUgh uNtiL StomAcH cRaMp loR... [FaiNt]
buT fuN iN oVeraLL laH...
AftEr drInkiNg SeSSioN... whiCh lEfT onLi WeN xuAn, JuniOR, mInNIe, AnGelyNn & mE...
We WaLk ouR waY baCk To HaBouRfrOnt... WaH...BiLsteR aR... PaIn Ar~
weN xuAn wEnt Off FirSt...
deN WaiTeD FoR anGelyNN's DaD tO feTcH hEr... wE iNtenD tO hiTch a RiDe...
buT enDeD uP DiDn'T... loL... bUt At lEaSt wE aCComPaNieD hEr...
aFtEr thAT, JunIor, miNNie & I taKe aNoThEr caB tO TaMpinEs InTerChanGe anD slaCk aT ThE maC oVer tHerE... miNNie Ate 2 McGriddlE (-.-")
tOoK FiRst bUs hOme...
ReAcH hoMe @ arOunD 7aM
anD slEEp unTil 10aM likE taT... WeI luN caLLed aNd aSk iF i WaNNa Go ThaiLanD fOr CompEtiTion oR nOt... SssOOooo TEmpTinG tO Go... BuT nO $$... (T_T)
i stiLL haVe tO gEt mY mOm aGreeMenT... whiCh iS quiTe DiffiCulT...
FirSt pRisE OvEr thEre iS a HOYT boW LeH!!!... [omG Omg oMg]
K laH K laH... sO fAr for TodaY... i HavE tO staRt mOviNg My BuTT liaO...
sO hUngRy nOw... LoL....
aNythIng thAt haPPeneD iN thE paSt oF ArchEry... anD aNythInG aBt ArchERy iS a TaBoo tO taLK aBouT...
i"m sO soRRy iF i TaLk abT iT aCCideNtlY... VeRy sOrrY...