Posted at Thursday, July 31, 2008

hMmM... thIs iS mY 101 PosTs...
My FYP tEAmMAtES kEep PesTeriNg mE tO seT uP a BloGsPot...
DaMn... shOUld i leT thEm kNoW thAt i Got BloG aCtuALLy??
i kEep aCtiNg blUr... ReFuSinG thEir ReqUesT... =P
hEe... SoRRy GuyS... Didn"t mEaN tO...

DeN i AsK SoMEoNe... whY dO hE/ShE waNNa bloG...
Do hE/SHe bLog foR OthErs tO See? Or FoR oWnseLf?
DeN i AsK mYselF... HoW maNy PpL kNoW thIs BloG...? [CurrEntlY TheRe iS onLI 1 i KnoW, AnD i dOnnO iS shE reaDinG stiLL oR noT]

WhaT iS CloSe FrieNds...?
tO Me... CloSe FriEnDs ComE aT diFFereNt StaGe oF liFe...
ThE oNe thAt CliCk wiTh mE tHe moSt... iS mY clOse friEnd At thiS PoInt Of TiMe...
bUt ThE oNe ThAt ReaLLy... ... ThE oNe... ThE oNli OnE...
thE cLoSeR wE aRe... thE MoRe thE pAin boTh wE aRe gOinG tO suFFer...
PoRcuPinE DilEmmA haS InsTaLLed iNtO mY bRaIn... 101% oF it...

aNoThEr thiNG...
pEoPle whO u ThiNk thAt iS thE cloSesT tO u... U mAy nOt bE thE CloSesT tO thE pErsOn ThEmseLve...
sO waT bY sHOwiNg caRe & CoNcerN tO thE pErsOn... nOtiCinG whAT dO thAt pErsOn liKe/DisLike...?
peOplE maY thInk thAt u aRe a KpO...
foRget iT...
haVinG CloSe FrieNd iS eNouGh...
JuSt ConTinUe tO sHoW caRe anD ConCerN tO thE oNe u CaRe...
anY clOseR... iT'll JuSt bReeD DisAstEr oNLi...
ThE moRe yOu GeT iT... ThE haRdeR fOr U To lEt iT gO...

Posted at

FYP is DONE!!! wahahah
5 Days AfTEr mY BirThDaY...
lEt thE piCs dO thE TaLk...
OuR PosTer~
OuR LeaDer: Mr 'HaM'ZuL
5 oF uS~
AfTEr OuR pResEntAtiOn
ScRoll DoWn FoR tHE neXt Pic
mY BlOoDy TeaMmAtE TaKe 3 PiC oF ThiS PosTuRe bEcoS oF hiS FinGer.. DeN i LoSt mY pAiTenCe =p

i DoNNo WhY... i BeCoMe evEry TeMpeRameNtaL NoWaDaYs...
i'M oN ThE VerGe oF BReaKiNg DoWn sOoN...

nVm... DoN wAnnA TaLk aBt iT...

Posted at Thursday, July 24, 2008

HappY BiRthdaY tO mE!!
StePPiNg iNtO thE 20's iN mY liFe...
hAppY bUt FeeLiNg ScaRe aT thE sAmE tIme...
laSt YeaR fOr mE tO DePenD oN mY MoM...
1 More YeaR tO bE iNDepeNdenT...
hOw wiLL bE mY FuTuRe lIke??

hMmm... DoN bOThEr fOr NoW...
EVerYthiNg pUSh UnTil i GraDuaTe...

i GavE mY oWn a BirThdaY pReseNt bY GoiNg tO thAilAnD...
anD bRinG baCk a TrOphY FrM tHEre...
bUt i LeFt iN ScHooL...

whAt Else CAn i WiSh FoR??
- i WiSh tAt i CaN hAvE mOre tIme FoR mY GuNieA piGs, i dO miSs thEm aLthOuGh thEy ARE liViinG iN mY hSe... -.-
- i WisH TaT i CaN giVe mY mOm SoMethIng... To tEll hEr tHAt i loVe hEr...
- i WiSh i dOn't HavE tO woRRy abT MoNeY aLL thE tiMe...
- i WisH i CAn LoSt mY MeMoRiEs... DelEt tHoSE ThiNgs thAt i Don'T wiSh tO Rmb...
LiVinG iN tHe pASt iS reAlly a ToRtURe tO mE...
- i WiSh ThE FrieNds thAt i haVE iN mY liFe RiGht Now... RemaiN aS iT iS...nOthINg haPPened.. NoThiNG ChaNGe...
- i WiSh taT i CaN waLk oUt oF ThE pASt...
- i wish tAt i DoN't HaVe tO LiVe iN FeaR @ aLL tiMe... AnY kiNd oF FeaRs...

lasTly... hAppY BirThDay tO me~

Posted at

aNoThEr pOSt...wHiCh i caN't WaiT tO PosT aBt iT... =p
22 JuLy 2008...
AnGeliNe... MaGdaLeNe...VirGiniA aNd I mEEt uP TogEthEr agAin FoR diNNer!!!
WaHAhAh... vErY VErY VerY HAPPY!!
We aRe BuDDiEs siNce PriMaRy sCh...
thE lOnGesT FriEnDshIp i haVe iN mY liFe... =]
eVerYoNe GrOwN uP lE... tiMe ReaLLy FliEs...
wE GoT GroUp PhOtOs aGaIn...
i CaN uPdaTe tHat pReCioUS NeO-pRinT PHoTos thaT wE tOOk 5 Yrs AgO...
GrOup PhOTo 1
Me & MaGdaLenE
mE & ViRgiNia
mE & aNgEliNe
GrOup pHOto 2
FriEnD fOr LiVe~!! \\^_^//

Posted at

baCk To BloGGinG NoW @ 2.46Am...
YeS... juSt ReTuRn baCk FrM TKD... aGaIn... =X

DaY 2 oF ComPeTiTiOn In ThaiLaNd: [[DaY 3 iN thaiLanD]]
i'M ThE Onli OnE whO GoT inTo ThE nExT daY cOMpeTiTion...
FeeLinG kINd oF... DraGGinG EvEryoNe doWn...
JuSt FeeLinG SuX iN aNyWaY...
ThEy caN'T Go FoR sHopPiNg BecOS oF mE...
ThEY caN't ExPloRe ThaiLanD moRe bEcOs oF mE...
i'M NOT eXciTed FoR ThE maTcH aT aLL SErIouSly...!!
wHeN WeN XuaN hElPeD mE paSte mY RaNkiNg StiCkEr oN mY sHiRt...
iT iS sOmEthIng whIcH i Nv ExPeCteD...
i'M TouCh... SerIouSlY TOuCh... FoR tHe FirSt TiMe By HEr...
dEn i TeLL mYseLf: i"ll TrY mY BEsT... BeCoS oF HeR
duRinG SigHtiNg RouNd... mY SiGhtinG ChAnGe AgaiN...
ChaNGe tO sOMewHeRe i nV UsE iT bEfoRe...
VeRY DiFFerEnT frM ThE daY bEfoRe...
mY mInDsEt BeCoMe: geT KiLLed iN ThE FiRsT RouNd anD oFF i Go...
DeN... thiNg hAppeNed...
JuSt bEfoRe tHE sCoRinG RouND...
wEi lUn cOme oUt oF NowHere HolDinG a CuP oF iCe CoFFee...
i TaKe a SiP oF iT aNd iMMeDiaTelY wEnT tO thE sHOoTinG liNe...
dEn suDDenlY... i SHoOT weLL aGaIn...
thE siP oF CoFFee WaKed mE Up...
mY "kIllEr SmilE" FrM thE daY BeFoRe Is baCk...
i WaS RaNkeD 36... i KiLLed RanKed 29...
nExT RouNd ComPetinG wiTh RaNk 4...
AlmOsT kiLLed HiM~ buT i FaiLed... [haha]
wE GoT Tie aNd weNt To a MaTcH oF sUddEn DeaTh...
hE sCoRed 9 wHiLe i ScoRed 8 iN ThE SuDDen DeaTh...
i LosT tO hiM bY 2 pOinTs...
sO....Ya... oFF wE Go tO a NiGht MArkeT anD sHoP~~

BouGht T-sHirTs fOr tHe kiDs...
anD sOme KeYchAins FoR mY FYP teAmateS...
wEnT tO a PuB anD DriNk... oH GOsH... thE DriNKs Sux... thE pUb SuX... [FaiNT]
haVe a HeaRt tO HeaRt ChaT wiTh Wei Lun tiLL Wee HOur...
deN weNt tO sLp...
EveRyONe goT DiFFiCulTy WaKinG uP thE nExT daY... LoLx...
wEn xuAn waS aCtuAllY SiTTiNg Up... TrYinG tO ForCe HerSelF tO Be aWaKe...
buT sHe DoZe Off wHilE siTTinG... lolX
wHiCh i ThiNk ThaT shE ThiNKs thAt i Nv NoTiCed iT... Heee

DaY 3:
WeNt HoMe lOr...
SeConD tiMe TaKinG aIr pLaNe...
hEee... ExChaNGe SeaT wiTh XuaN sO thAt shE caN siT By thE wiNdOw...FoR tHe FirSt tiMe iN HEr LifE...
CaM WHoRe aLoT...
gOt qUiTe StrOnG TuRbUleNCe...
Can'T eaT ThE mEaL PeaCeFuLLy...
DriNk ReD WiNe FrM mY TRoPhY... LoLx
deN "bOOm"
i'M BaCk In SinGApORe liaO...

Posted at Wednesday, July 23, 2008

iN thE plAne~
XuaN & i
WeiLuN & i
ThE GaLs TeaM(wei LuN saY i LoOK 20 yRs aPaRt wHen i Tie & UnTie My HaiR)ThE TroPhY iN ThaiLaNd AirPoRt
aNoThEr TroPhY BroUgHt BaCk frOM THAILAND....
FiRSt tiMe FlYinG oVersEa... aNd BrougHt baCk lOts oF meMoRies.... =]

DaY 1: (SeaRcHinG fOr NotEboOk)
ThE mOMeNt i sTep oUt Of mY hSe anD hEaD toWaRds ChaNgi AiRpoRt...
It's aN iNDesCriBaBle feEliNg...
NoNe oF mY faMilY mEmBer seNd mE oFF.. UnliKe aNyoThEr PpL...
FraNklY sPeaKinG... i ToT oF GiVinG mY MoM a HuG... tO tEll hEr thAt i'M thAnkFuL oF hEr leTTinG mE gO oVersEa...
BuT i dIdn"t...
i LeFt mY hSe wiTh HeaVy-HeArt...
i CaNNot Cry... muSt noT CrY i toLd mYseLf...

mE pRaCticAllY DIDN"T CONTROL mYseLf iN TeRm Of FooD... =P
EaT anD eaT NoN sToP sIncE iN ThE aIrpOrt & iN ThaiLanD...
i'M goNNa bE FaT aGaIn whEn i'M baCk iN sInGapOre... =X

DaY 2: DuRiNg COmpEtitioN
i'm sUx laH!! mY ForM iS noT tHEre DuRinG SiGhtinG roUnd...
i"m sTiLL AdJuSTinG mY siGht whEn thE sCorinG RouND sTaRted... [faInT]
XuAn's sCorE raNGe frM 18 Pts iN a EnD tO 29Pts in aNoThEr enD (X,X,9)...
Tat"s hEr UltiMate PoTienTal... i'LL TRy mY bEsT tO TrAin hEr tO tAt sTaGe beFoRe i WeNt MisSinG...

LaZy To BloG nOw...
TmL deN ConTiNue

Posted at Thursday, July 17, 2008

1 moRe DaY tO ThaiLand TrIp!!
ShiOk buT sCaRy... bEcoS i prActiCally SpENt evEy Cents thAT i hAve foR thiS trIp...
i dOnno hOw tO suRviVe whEn i RetUrneD hOMe...

aS fOr wEn xuAn....
nO maTTer WaT... uR sCOrinG hAs aLreaDy SuRpasS mE...
uR EquiPmenT iS gooD... HenCe aBle To SCoRe weLL...
sO... BeliEve iN uRseLf k...
i'M haPPy thAt u CaN sCoRe bEttEr thAn mE...
sO... GeT uRseLf SomEthiNg baCK fRm ThaiLanD K... =]

WhEn u hAd mAStEr aLL thE skiLLs anD KnoWlEdGe thAt i KnOW...
iT wiLL bE thE tiMe i cAn lEaVe thE clUB aLreaDy...
BeFoRe thAt...
i'LL Do WhaTevEr iT taKes tO bRinG u To a sTaGe whEre u CaN shOOt BeTTer thAn aNYonE wiTh A pErfEct FoRm oF uRs...
So Be PrePaRed...

As FoR AnGElyNN...
i'M glaD thAt u FouNd uRselF a BunCH oF GooD FrienDs thAt cLiCk
FrieNds ThaT CheriSh u As mUch aS u CheriSh thEm...
FrieNds thAT pRoTecT u aS muCH aS u ProTecT thEm...
LiVe haPPiLy anD chEerFuL aLwaYS k...
whEN sOmeThinG haPPenEd...
dO noT loOk inTo thE HisTorY aNd SeaRch FoR anY siMilaRitY...
lEssOn LeaRNt caN bE fOunD iN uR heaRt, thE kEy tO anS evErYthinG... noT iN thE hIstoRy...


Posted at Sunday, July 13, 2008

1 MoRe TraiNinG tO gO oN weDnesDaY... deN wiLL bE gOinG tO thAilaNd oN FriDAy liAo...
nOw i bEgaN tO FeaR...
i FeaR weN xuAn iS FeaR oF ShooTinG riGht nOw...
i FeaR thAt ShE wiLL foRm a mEntaL BloCkaGe oN hEr oWn...
i FeaR thAT shE ReGrettEd gOinG fOr thAilaNd CoMpeTitIon...
i'M scAred... SeriOuslY sCarEd...
i'M tOtaLLy FREAK OUT wHen sHe CrieD sUddeNly...
i tHinK i'Ve puSheD hEr tOo muCh lE...
aLthOuGh shE saY thAt iS sHe hErseLf noT haPPy witH hErselF...
buT... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... HaiZ...
deN aS fOr mE...
i nEed To TrusT mY BoW...
i"m GoiNg tO uSe tHe PaIrs oF liMbs thAt i FiXed InsTeaD oF Wee Boon'S GM liMbs...
iT's suPPosE tO heLp mE tO ScOre BettEr...
bUt... iT's DoeSn't SeeM tO bE tHat whY...
SOmEtiMe caN sCoRe MoRe thAn whAt i ScOre uSuaLLy..
SomEtiME noT...
sO thE onLi tHinG thAt i caN PsYchO mYseLF is tO TruSt thE LimBs...

wHo iS gOinG tO hElp mE clEaN mY piG caGe wheN i'm AwaY...?? (T_T)
HoW mUCh caN i BriNg oVer To ThaiLanD??
wHEre aM i GoinG tO fiNd tHoSe mOneY... (T_T)

JuSt HaiZ

Posted at Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TrY SleePiNg EaRly...
i bEt u wiLL bE sO piSSed oFF anD wAke uP iN a VerY AngRY mOOd thE nExT daY...
uRgH!!! =P
i wEnT tO sLp @ 9pm... ONCE...
deN goT ppL diStuRb NoN sTop frM 10pM - 12Am liKe tAt...
ppL ComINg iN anD ouT oF thE beDrOOm... WHoA...
thE feElinG iS liKe... i FeEl likE stAbbiNg thEM lOr~!!


ThAilaNd TrIp CoMinG sOOn...
i bEgiN tO woNdeR whY weN xUaN iS puShinG hErselF sO muCh...
whAt iS shE trYinG tO aChieVe?
whAt iS hEr GoaL foR puShinG hErseLf sO haRd?
i beGin tO woRRy FoR hEr...
WhaT iF shE geT buRnT ouT??
whAT iF sHE heRseLf didN't EveN knOw whY shE iS PusHinG hErseLf sO muCh...?
WhAt caN i Do tO tAke hEr tO a HiGhEr lEvEl...?
WhaT caN i gOiNg tO dO tO puSh hEr tO hEr OptiMaL pErfOrmaNce whEre sHe caN dO beTTer tHan AnyoNe inCluDiNg mE??

WhEn mY coACh tEll mE thAt boTh ouR foRm loOks ThE saMe...
aNd thAt whY i'M unAblE tO spOt hEr MistaKeS
i WaS shOck... ReaLLy shOck...
thIs ShoWs thAt i'Ve faiLed iN GuideiNg HEr... =\
juSt... sO DIsAppoinTed iN mYSelF...


i NEVER woRk iN thIs SemEstEr AT ALL
anD yEt i"m sTill aBlE tO suRvIvE...
AblE tO gO thAilAnd... plAnniNg tO gO BinTaN... [[FaiNt]]
i doNNo i SHoulD bE hAppY oR woRRyinG... =\

Posted at Thursday, July 3, 2008

DaMn TirEd tO liVe iN FeaR EvEryDaY...
sOmEthINg tAt i KnoW anD thE reSt DoesN't knOw... yET...
ThEy caN't kNoW... AnD thEy shALL noT kNOw...
HopinG thAt iT wiLL noT haPPenEd... hoPiNg ThaT iT wiLL NoT rEpEaT
WhY dO u leT iT haPPeNed?!?!?
wHy dO u lEt suCh a ThiNg haPPeneD whEn i ToT thaT eveRYthiNg iS gOIng weLL??

iT hUrT mE whEn SeeiNg u suFFerinG...
yEt... iT wiLL bE moRe pAiNfuL iF iT hAppEnED...
*pRaYinG haRd iT wiLL nV haPPeneD*

TrUst... i NEED thE TruSt... DoN faiL mE plEaSe... dOn't...

pEoplE whO DoeSn't waN tO sEE mE de...
JusT treAt mE liKe i'M traNspaRenT...
i'll nOt TaLk... nOr DistuRb...
nOt tO woRRy...
i'M NoT reFerriNg tO aNYonE...
bEcAusE iT FoR eVerYoNe...
i'M juSt a ReduNdaNt iN thE oThEr's LiFe...
