Posted at Friday, October 31, 2008
BloG BloG bEfoRe i fOrgeT... =p
toDAy iS uLtiMaTe OuTinG siA...
waTch HoRRor moVie buT beComE CoMeDy...
eaT sUbWAY!!!
BouGht a New paiR oF ruNNinG sHoeS... =P
sOt sOt diaO awhilE...
cHiT chAt... TaLk cOcK...
aCt gaY... Act LesbiaN...
shaLL cOntiNue thE neXt daY...
bRaiN bloCk liAo... =X
XuaN!!! uR TooT tOOt loOk...
sO teMpteD tO uPloaD siA~~~ =X
Posted at Monday, October 27, 2008
i SweAr i'M sO gOinG tO ChaNge tHe BoW LimBs...
40lbs iS waY tO hiGh FoR mE...
i dO EnjOy thE feeLinG oF thE pRefOrmaNCe oF tHe limBs... bUt iT's depResSinG mE aT thE saMe tiMe...
i caN FoRgEt aBt TrYiNg tO AsK fOr aNy heLps FrM aNy oF thE seNiOrs...
BecOs nO oNe wiLL heLp AutOmatiCallY...
i TeACh
i ShOOt
eVerYthiNg baCk tO HoW it'S uSed tO bE...
i ShoUld bE gEt uSe tO iT lE riGht???
i ShouLd stOp aSkinG mYseLf qNs liKe "WHY NONE oF tHe SeNioRs wiLL VolUnteeR thEmseLve anD teaCh tHoSe yR 1??"
WHY CAN"T I sToP FeeLinG diSaPPoinTmeNt tHeN???
ALL thEsE whiLe... i'M a foOl!!!
ForCinG & fOrciNg thEm tO TeaCh...
HoPinG & hOpinG thAt thEy wiLL TeaCh...
buT i wAs WroNg...
i GiVe Up...
fuLLy diSaPPoinTeD...
FoRgeT iT...
i'M noT goD... i"m juSt a HUmAn...
i hAtE thE feElinG oF "bAo ka LiaO"
nO oNe wiLL eVer uNdeRstaNd...
Posted at Saturday, October 25, 2008
i nEEd HeLp...
i juSt mEreLy "piAcK" a PlaSteR oN mY woUnD foR
1 daY...
wHen i RemoVe tHe plaStEr, thE WhoLe PorTioN is SWELLING...
sO niCe thE sHaPe... -.-"
sO iTcH oSo...
saMe GoeS tO mY FingEr...
RaSheS tAt FoRm mAnY smALL bLisTer... sCraTcH a LiTTle HaRdeR anD iT wiLL buRsT...
hElP... (T_T)
i nEEd hElP...
Posted at Thursday, October 23, 2008
AlriGht PPl...
TheSe aRe thE siGn oF mE bEcoMinG lEsbiaN...
GoiNg aRouND haSSarinG GaLs...
NO laH!!!
thE tRuTh iS: a GroUp oF uS pOn-eD ScH...
DriNkiNg iN thE bRoaDaY liGht...
FoOlinG aRounD!!!
tHiS poSt iS FoR mY jUnioRs wHo aRe ReaDinG mY blOg...
HeRe Are thE ReaL LiFe siTuaTioN oF FYP mEEtinG...
OnE DoZe oFF duRinG thE meeTinG
aNoThEr oNe CrawL unDer thE TaBle...
i fiNd It aMuSed bEcaUse i CoulDn'T unDerStanD wHy ouR MenTor liKe tO dOOdlE sO muCH...
oUr LaTesT FYP GrOup pIc...!!
Posted at
tOo mUcH thiNkiNg...
toO muCh thiNkinG!!!!
...SySteM ovErloAd...
hoW i wiSh i hAve a NoThiNg BoX...
iT's TaKe mE mOre thAn 2 yRs To ConFiRm mYseLf ThAt i"m ThE FoOliSh-esT wOmaN iN thE woRld...
ThanKs MAN...
MAN aRe NoThinG buT desTorYer iN mY liFe...
Ok... ShaLL noT taLk aBt iT aT aLL...
Posted at Wednesday, October 22, 2008
DoN aSk mE wHy aM i EmO-iNg aLL tHe tiMe...
I"m NoT plS~
Ok Ok... MoSt oF thE timE i'M NOT eMo-iNg...
i'M JuSt... PlaNNing FoR thE nExT steP fOr EVERYTHING...
i nEEd tO fiNd thE BaLaNcinG pOinT...
i nEEd tO bE FaiR aNd SquaRe...
i nEEd tO THinK... i NeEd tO plAn...
i aDmiT...
i BlaMe MyseLf FirsT foR eVerYthIng taT weNt wRonG...
i FelT InFeriOr iN frOnt Of tHe oThEr aLwaYs...
i KnoW ThiS MinDseT wiLL ShoRteN mY liFesPaN...
bUt iT'S aLRiGht...
i DoN inTeNd To liVe loNg aNywaY...
Posted at Tuesday, October 21, 2008
AlriGht pPl...
HeRe aRe 1 piC oF ALL PicS thAt i HaVen ReceiVed frOm mY jUnioR....
IT IS NICE!!! *huGs*
IM GAY iN tHe PiCs!!!LOL.. OMG
mY juNiOr saY" dOn
OMG now... waiT tiLL u See aLL thE PicS... i ThiNk u wiLL FAINT bY thEN"
GiVe mE tiMe pLs...
FraNklY SpeaKinG...
mY bOw iS sO sCaRy tHat i DoN FeeL liKe toUcHinG iT...
I FelT liKe hoPPinG oVer tO "TeaChinG" mOOd
CaN i ??
CaN i ??
CaN i LeaVe tHe 2 oF u tO sHooTinG??
i KnOw CompEtiTion iS cOminG... BuT... hAiz....
~ruNNinG aWaY~
Posted at Sunday, October 19, 2008
PpL haD mE aSkinG mE tO leaVe siNce thE EnD oF mY yR2...
aS i'Ve stAyeD lOnGEr thAn aNyOthEr haD...
bEcoS thEy sEe No "futUre" fOr mE...
BeCos ThEY sEe iT aS a FoRm oF sTreSs iN mY liFe...
i'M stAyinG...
WhEneVer i tOld thEm thAt i'M stAyinG...
sTanDarD ReaCtiOn --> "tsK.... hAiZ"
FraNkLy spEaKiNg... tHe ReaCtiOn iS a FoRm oF sTresS tO me...
Tat's wHy i BloCk thEm OuT oF mY FrieNds LisT...
pleAse PpL... pRoVe tO mE thAt i'Ve maDe tHe RiGht ChoiCe....
i'M RuNNinG AwaY...
sO dOn tAlk aBt iT plS...
dOn maKe Me TeaR fOr nOthiNg aGaIn...
bEcOs thE oThErs wiLL nV ReaLiSe thaT i TeaR beCos oF theM....
TaT''s It...
Posted at Saturday, October 18, 2008
iS iT reaLLy a Gd iDea??
Did i MadE tHe coRRect ChoiCe??
i doNNo...
RiGht nOw i seEm tO bE aT thE eDgE oF a BottOmlesS piT...
i GoT a FeeLinG thaT i maY faLL oFF anY tiMe...
diFFereNt CoaCheS... diFFereNt waY oF teaChinG...
mY FoRm iS NeitHer HerE nOr ThEre...
iS iT a RiGht ChoiCe tO ChaNge mY foRm iN thE firSt plaCe??
EvErytiMe whEn ALL CoAChes aRRivEd
tOgeThEr wiTh thaT AnnOyinG faTTy
iS juSt siMplY...
i TrieD mY bEsT tO teaCh...
TaUght tHem waTeVer i kNow...
aNd thEy FeLt thEy aRe noT wOrThy tO paSS doWn thE kNOwleDge...
wAt thE F$*k?!??!
i CaN saVe tHe othEr...
BuT i caN't saVe mYseLf...!!
caN't heLp bUt tO aSk... WHY????
WHY aM i trYinG sO haRd iN TeaChinG u Ppl??
buT WHY iS iT sO haRd foR yoU Ppl tO heLp mE...???
doN u Ppl REALISE that i haVe 9 mThs oF metAl bOw kNOwleDge
i doNNo...
mY boW beCome veRy ScaRy...i doNNo waT thE heLL aM i ShoOtinG??
i dOnnO
i doNNo hOw tO cOnquEr iT...
bRiNg thE IG OuT FrM sChooL tO semBawAng CC...
dO thEm Gd oR HaRm??
Di tHey ReaLLy TraIn weLL oR iT maKeS nOt diFF...??
iS iT a RiGht sUggesTioN oF bRinGinG thEm ouT tO TraiN??????
u haD MADE enough WRONG chOice...
sToP haRMinG pPL plS...
i'M SoRRy pEopLe...
vEry sOrrY....
iT juSt liKe....................
taKiNg a KniFe anD staB mYseLf...
sToP CryiNG plS wiNNie...
Posted at
i'M "fRee" frOm FinAnCiaL CriSis...
aLL ThaNks FrM PoSt-EduSaVe AccOuNT... =]
i FinAllY CaN Go aNd BuY mAnY tHinGs lE lAh~
GaRmenT taT wEaR inTernaLLy...
ConteCt lenS...
maYbE aNoThEr paiR oF ruNNinG shOes...
hMmmm... ChaLet... DriNkiNg seSSion...
hmmm.... mOsT imPoRtant tHinG iS...
MoNey fOr mY daiLy sUrvivaL aFteR i GraDuaTed, BeFoRe i FouNd a JoB anD StaRt eaRninG inCoMe...
DeN... i NEeD tO reTurN MoNey tO mY MUM anD Mr. TaNg...
i BouGht a KiNetiC ChaRgeD ToRchliGht....
kNoW whY...?
BecauSe ouT oF sO maNy TorChliGht thaT mY HSe haS...
NONE oF iT ContaiN baTTery...
ThErEfoRe... iF mY HSe tiO BLACKOUT... sUrE diE~
haVe tO buRn CaNdeLs~ lOlx
Posted at Wednesday, October 15, 2008
lEt StaRt thE poSt wiTh ReaLLy ReaLLy NiCe PiC fiRst....
nV gO FoR traiNiNg tOdaY beCauSe oF FYP...
it"s a VeRy VErY suCCessfuL EvEnT... =P
My FYP MaTes iS SimPly CooL!!!!GeeZ... HaD tO puLL JY inTo tHe piC... NoT TrYinG tO PosE SeXy k..
ME!!! ThaNkz SeaN tHe PhOtoGraPheR~ =]
yuP! i'M thE baSS iN thE BaNd HaMzuL... Hee~
OkAy... hEre CoMe ThE uGlY paRt oF tHE poSt...
i'M sO tIReD thAt i DoZe oFF iN thE traiN...
aNd mY tEaM maTes ToOk pHoTos oF mE...
i juSt lOok liKe GHOST laH~ GosH~ [faiNt]
Posted at Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i FeaR...
FeaR Of beiNg tOo CloSe anD enDed Up nOthiNg muCh tO taLk...
i doNNo hOw muCh tiMe lEfT...
buT thE tiMe iS tiCkinG stiLL...
EvEry nOw anD thEn...
peoPle wiLL feeL tAt liFe haD fiLLed tO thE bRim...
nOthiNg caN bE aDDed.. NeiThEr aNythInG caN bE sORted oUt...
HumAn aRe juST liKe a PieCe oF paPer siNce tHey aRe BoRn...
PaRenTs aRe thEir FirsT teaCher... wRittinG ruLeZ aNd KnOwlEdGe oNtO tHe BlaNk piEce oF paPer...
2nD piEce oF paPer iS nEEdeD wHen tHe ChilD BegaN tO unDersTanD thE wOrld anD reCord doWn WaTeVer thE chiLd NotiCed...
sO oN anD sO ForTh...
3Rd PieCe oF BlaNk PaPer uSed...
4Th PieCe oF paPer uSed...
HoW maNy piEcEs oF pApEr haD u UseD??
i OnLy kNow ThaT PaPer HaD liMiTed sPaCe...
We OUrseLvE WriTe DoWn stuFF iN iT...
PeOplE wHo EnteRed Ur liFe MaY wRoTe doWn sTuFF iN iT tOo...
iT CaN bE PureLy BlaCk & wHiTe...
iT caN bE FuLL oF ColOurS... aNd mAybE piCtuRes DrAwN oN iT...
i GuEss... wHen ThE paPer iS FullY fiLLed... Tat's whEn peOplE feLt "loSt"
"emPty" "AiMlEss" "reDuNdaNT"...
No MoRe spACe tO wriTe liaO... bUt stiLL holDiNg onTo tHe pApEr...
ReLaX~ pEoPle... BreAth iN... BreAth OuT... &.... RelAX~StaRt wiTh aNoThEr pieCe oF paPer...
CoNtiNuE ThE sToRy oF uR liFe...
iT's MoRe SpaCiouS... aNd nO MisTakEs MaKe Yet...
JuSt TaKe nOte TaT... fiLL thE neW piEce oF paPer wiTh hAppinEss...
bEcoS No oNe BeloNg tO DepErssiOn...
Posted at Saturday, October 11, 2008
iF coaXinG wEre tO bE sO EaSy aLwaYs...
i doN miNd beiNg thE moNkeY oF thE daY jUsT tO maKe mY FRIENDs LauGh tiLL thEy sTomaCh CraMp...
goSh... a JuniOr saW tHe CraZiesT paRt oF BMW...
~muSt SiLenCe Her~WaHahHA...
eViL mE... opPs
bUy bEeR anD wEnt tO tHe tOp FloOR oF a CaRpaRk tO driNk...
XuaN gOt sHoCkEd bY mE...
i thInK thE JunIor gOt FreaK ouT mY mE liaO...
vErY TireD nOw...
Posted at Thursday, October 9, 2008
sErioUslY... BM iS mY "frieNds" thAt DoeSn"t RequiRes anY yEaRs FoR mE tO gEt uSe tO ThEir bEhaViouR....
oNe caN siMplY BURP nOn-sToP!!!
aNOthEr oNe Can EaT NoN sToP!!!
hMmm... i CaNNot loSe ouT tO thEm...
i caN FaRt NoN sToP!!!
Posted at Tuesday, October 7, 2008
CerTaiN tHinG... iS BeTTer lEft UnsAid...
bEcauSe ThE tRuTh HuRts...
HoW uGly u WaN mE tO saY tHe TruTh oUt?!?!?
iT's ReaLLy HuRt juSt tO reMind mE oF aLL thE "miStaKeS" oF thE pReVioUs coHoRt...
i'M baD... ALL mY FaulT oK...
nO oNe iS tO bLaMe...
i'M ThE suCkiesT oF aLL...
i FaiLed tO cHooSe tHe cOrreCt pErsOn fOr thE RoLe
i FaiLed tO bRinG tHe ChaMpiOn oUt oF mY aRchErs
i FaiLeD tO paSS thEm thE kNowlEdGe oF teAcHinG
i FaiLed tO seT a GooD eXaMple
i FaiLed tO pAve a PaThWaY fOr mY thEm
i FaileD tO soLve SolUtiONs fOr thEm
i faiLeD tO maKe thEm reaLisE
i faiLeD tO maKe thEm lEaRn
wHaT iS thE pOinT oF blaMinG thE OthErs whEn i'M thE ONLY ONE AROUND???
Posted at Sunday, October 5, 2008
Minnie of the DaY
Wen XuaN of the DaY
wiNNie oF thE DaY
sCenEry oF thE Day
At tHe EnD oF thE DaY
ThiNg thAt i ObseRved tOdaY:
- Boon iS iN CraZily LOVE wiTh CycliNg...
- MiNNie iS iN CraZilY LOVE WiTh DoGs...
- WiNNie is iN LoVe wiTh SubWaY saNdwiCh...
- eaTinG aFter ExErciSinG iS ShioK De...
- thEre iS aNoTHer ShOrteR waY tO gO EaSt CoaSt PaRk...
- DiDn"t taLk muCh... JuSt soaK iN eaCh oThEr AccomPanY =]
- mY BuTT iS iN paiN frM CycLinG NoN-sTop FoR 2 hR =P
Posted at
KaO!! thiS piC's ArRows iS aRRanged aCCordiNg tO BMW!!! waHahAh =P
PhOtoGraPhEr: WeiLun // BoOn gOt BluE AuRa~~ lOLx!!!
ToDay wE sHOoT 70m, 60m & 50m...
GoSh~ i foRgOT wE @ waT diStaNce liAoBMW aRRows aRe ToGeThEr... LoLs~
fOr 2 EnDs sOmeMoRe!!!
PreCioUs MoMenT... BecOs oNe oF iT iS We aLL ShoT 10!!!!
Posted at Friday, October 3, 2008
FrieNds sUppoRt.... NoT ConTroL....
GuiDe frieNd tO tHe RiGht TraCk oF liFe...
aCCePt TheM thE waY thEy aRe...
nOt ConTroL thE WaY wHo u WaN thEm tO bE...
uSe BotH uR aRmS tO PicK thEm Up whEn thEy faLL...
uSe BoTh uR leGs anD aCComPanY thEm ouT foR a WaLk iF thEy aRe dOwn...
BanDaGe TheiR woUnd iF thEy hAd iNjuRed TheMselVes...
lEnD BoTh LisTeNinG EaR tO thEir ComplaiNs & wOrrIes...
LeNd thEm a ShouLder iF thEy waNNa Cry Out lOud...
BoDy tO giVe thEm a hUg iF thEy aRe FeelinG LoSS & insEcuRe...
BraiN tO thInk LogicaLLy anD guiDe thEm ouT oF thE suCky SituaTion...
EvEry PorTioN oF mY boDy usEd cHaRges DiFFereNtlY...
CaN paY viA MeaL & CaSh...
lolX... nAh... JokIng...
bUt tHE PriCe foR FrieNdsHip: PriCelEss
beiNg a FrieNd...
i'M ThEre... AlwaYs ThEre
i CaN't dO aNythiNg But tO waiT FoR peOplE tO aCCePt mE ThaT i'M thEre...
Posted at Wednesday, October 1, 2008
piCture oF thE daY...Hei Wu ChaNG... & bAi wU chAng [[ ThE bOw ]]
wiTh oNe AunTy HolDinG it...
RmB i UpLoaDed a Pic LaBelled "miAfiA oF thE DaY"...?
TaD tAd.... ShE iS thE miAfiA whO iS RuliNg mY liFe siA~~
GoSh... ScaRy~
JoKinG jOkiNg....
ShaLL ForCe miNNie tO poSe a piC tOo...WaHaha....