Posted at Thursday, April 30, 2009

i bEt u MuSt bE curSinG & swEaRinG @ mE noW...
coS i'M dOinG thAt tO mySelF...!
dOn eXplaiN anYmoRe... CoS thE daY iS oVer...
iN sHoRt... i muSt sTop ruNNinG aWaY liKe a CowaRd... =\

i'LL taKe caRe oF mYseLf fOr tHe saKe oF mY gaL... =]
weLL... mY gaL knOw hoW fooLisH i'M...

waiT fOr Me... i'LL coMe baCk foR u... thAt foR suRe!

Posted at Monday, April 27, 2009

erM... yEs ppL.. i haD cuT shORt mY haiR... anD i loOk liKe a LittLe BoY nOw...
i FeeL likE shIt foR thE paSt feW daYs... beFoRe & aFteR i cuT mY haiR...
mY haiR... haS beCome a TabOO tO taLk abT whEn i'M wiTh mY gaL...
cOS shE wiLL havE thE *diSappOinTed roLL oVer eYes* LooKinG aT mE suDDenlY... >.<

Wei LuN waS shAkinG hEr hEaD whEn i'M cuTTinG mY haiR... HaiYo~
i'M glaD thAt mY spEcTs iS reMoVed whEn cuTTinG mY haiR... i CoulDn'T see thaT weLL...
oThErwiSe... i thiNk i wiLL crY...

GoiNg ouT wiTh mY gaL... shE LAUGH tHe MomenT shE saW mE... i feeL sO bAd iN frOnt oF hEr laH...
wEll.. i ThinK sHe iS reaLLy alriGht wiTh mY shoRt haiR.... coS sHe liKe tO sTylE uP mY haiR foR mE...
mEn goT hiS paRtnEr tO tiE a Tie foR hiM whiLe i GoT mY paRtneR tO sTylE mY haiR fOr mE... HeeX... u KnoW thE FeeLinG~

aNd i reaLLy enJoy mYsElf thaT niGht... =]

Posted at Thursday, April 23, 2009

i"m a ScareDy caT... whEneVer i See thE LeakiNg TaP... sO scAre thE taP spoiL anD waTer cOme guShing Out AgaIn... >.<

i ReceiVed a CaLL frM thE poLice foRce asKing whEtheR i haD recEiveD THE leTTer anoT... aNd inForMed mE thaT i'M enliStinG oN thE laSt daY oF ApriL...
kiNda haPPy... kiNda SaD...
haPPy thAt my sTeaDy souRce oF inCome iS coMinG...
saD aBt mY haiR
woRRyinG aBt My piGs & MaMa...

haiZ... waTevEr laH...
taKes waTevEr iT maY coMe...

iS aBt faLLinG iN loVe aGaiN & AgAin...
i OnCe sAid thAt reLatioNshiP iS a huSSle...
tuRninG evErythinG siNgle inTo DouBle...
DoubLe thE woRRy
DouBle tHe tiReNeSS
doUble thE plaNNinG
douBle thE haPPinesS
DOuble tHe haRvesT
hMmm... liKe waT mY frieNd BJ saiD... "our very distinguished and big differences in our personality and that alone has always been a hindrance"
nOw... i'M uSed tO douBle...
UseD tO pRotEctinG noT juSt mE mySelf buT tO ProteCt aNothEr onE...
Mama iS anOTher impoRtanT pErsoN tOo... lolX...
JuSt liKe bEinG pRogrAmmeD inTo iT... loL...

* i cONtinUe tHe neXt tiMe, i'M stuCk aT thiS paGe sinCe 8pM... LoLx

Posted at Sunday, April 12, 2009

PrOm niGhtZzzz

SeaN iS My pArTnEr oF mY pRoM niGht... ErM... caN SenSe thAt hE iS NeRvouS bEinG mY paRtnEr oF ThE niGht... lolX AfTer pRom... i wEnT sTraiGht DoWn tO ClaRk QuaY foR ladiEs NiGht...

i GuesS 8tH aPril 2009 iS THE niGht wHeRe i haVe thE mOst No. oF frieNdS saW mE iN DRESS, hiGh heEls anD thiCk maKe uP...
SuPer FUN niGht... sUpEr hiGh...
BuT wHo CaRes~

aHem... XuaN iS noT uSed To mE bECominG 2-3 in. HigHer Due To thE hEel whEn i'M waLkinG bEsiDe hEr... LoLx!!!

Posted at Tuesday, April 7, 2009

oH yeS!!!
i'Ve GraDuaTed~!!! weee....!!!

Posted at Monday, April 6, 2009

i DO LOVE my haiR plS...!!!
PeOPle wHo kNow mE loNg enOUgh sHouLd Rmb HoW muCh i uSed To CoMpLain In thE paSt saYinG hOw muCh i wiSh mY haiR iS LONG...
BecoS i'M vaiN...
BuT i DoN waN tO bE pRettY aNYmoRE... thAt iS So noT mE beinG a viaN peRsoN...

aLL thE eNduRanCe oF fuZZy hAir... PuFFy haiR... thE haTinG oF tyiNg thE haiR uP...
NoT 1 Mth oR 2 MthS... BuT 1 Yr oR maYbe 2 Yrs oF enDuraNce... aGaiN...

HaiZ... tsK tSk tsK... uRgh =\

i wiLL BeCoMe a DiffereNt peRsOn iF i CuT mY haiR sHOrT meH?!?!
i will sTill bE mE...

pEoplE... JusT geT usEd tO iT...