Posted at Sunday, May 24, 2009

3rd weeK oF mY tRaiNinG... stiLL aDjuStinG tO thE tiMinG...
i thiNk evEryonE goiNg tHrouGh thE saMe pEk Che-Ness inSide thE caMp duE tO thE ChanGe oF sCheduLe...
wE weRe foRceD tO waKe uP EarliEr thAn EarLy...

mY wiSh foR eVerY saTuRdaY iS tO faCe a beauTiFul & QuieT sCenArY...
siTTinG beSide mY deaR... DoN havE tO sPeaK a SinGle woRd...
wiTh nO othEr DisTurbaNce & diStrActiOn...
nO othEr woRRies aT aLL...

buT iTs juSt sOOoo DiffiCulT...

mY neXt 4 weEks oF saTurdaY iS bOOkeD...
Dear goD... plS leT tHe timE fly aWaY likE nOboDy buSinEss... >.<

Posted at Sunday, May 10, 2009

1sT weeK ouT...
kiNda nOt uSeD tO iT sTill...
miSSinG mY deaR daY & niTe...
sTiLL crYiNG wHen i See HeR... >.<
i'm stiLL a wEaklinG... hAiz...

LiFe iS juSt likE viRus...
whEneVer wE oVercoMe a obStaCle (a.K.a VirUs)...
wE beComE a BettEr pErsOn...
liFe wiLL gO oN kinDa sMooThly uNtiL a StroNgEr VirUS aTTacKed uS aGaiN...
BreaK doWn.

CoMe oN wiNNie... U CaN dO iT!!!!
sO i My DeaR DeaR...
jiA yoU jiA YoU...!!