Posted at Sunday, September 27, 2009

i leaRnt ALOT ALOT fRm mY mAmA...
faSt faSt noTe iT doWn bEfoRe loSt mySelF aGaiN...

1. 潇洒一点,糊涂一点
2. doNt bE thE DeciSioN maKer & a FronTieR
3. 不要把自己脸贴在别人的冷屁股
4. 不要太执著
5. DoN't bE a KPO (vEry ImpoRtanT!!!)
6. ATTITUDE (suPer ImpORTanT!!!)

- EvEn iF jUs siTTinG oVer theRe liSteniNg tO waT thEy aRe tAlkinG abT... iM juS miGht iRRitate thEm moRe...
- iF ppL trEaT u aS fRienD... thEy wiLL JiO u EvEntuAlly...
iF thEy dOn... dOn boThEr alReaDy...
- OpeN YouRselF tO ThE oThErs... (thoUght i DouBT iT)
- Do uR JoB... thEy aRe Nt tHe OnE GradinG u...
- iTs DoeSn'T kiLL yOu If YoU DiDn'T maKe FrieNds...
ThEre wiLL bE a SpeCifiC GrP oF fRienDs wiLL sTicK tO u ThrOuGh thiCk oR thiN
JuS thAt iT CouLdn"t FinD iT iNsiDe thE caMp...

sOme tiPs:
bE bEsT... dEn PpL NeeD u...
maKe thEm CurioUs oF waT u aRe doIn... deN tHeY wiLL foLLoW u...

mY MaMA uLtiMaTe WaY oF liFe:
见人说人话, 见鬼说鬼话
oBsErvaNt... ppL whO hAs thE saMe fRequEncY aS u... DeN SpeaK moRe...
iF noT... dOn taLk tOo mUch...
iF ppL whO aRe juS taLkinG abT "SuRfaCe" thinG... nO poiNt foR u tO tAlK heaRt tO heaRt tO thEM...
bE poLiTe... thEy woN't blAme u For thaT...
Do ThinGS bY uRsElf... dOn oWe ppL anY faVouR...

ThanKs MaMa, aNgelyNN, gaBriEl anD laStly mY DeaR...
i MuS JiA YoU jiA yOu~!!
10 WeEks CounTinG doWn... onCe aGaiN..

baSkeT tRaiNinG... kEEp puShinG baCk thE POC daTe... @#$%^

Posted at Monday, September 21, 2009

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."
by great man Abraham Lincoln

ShaLL ApplY thAt whEneVer i BooK inTo CaMp...
JiA YoU jiA YoU...! 2 moRe moNths tO enDuRe...!

loSt ThE mOtiVatiOn tO Go InTo CaMp...
iM SooO ReluTanT tO leaVe deaR's SidE...

DaMn... iTs nOt ThAt i NevEr gaNNa lEfT ouT bEfoRe... juSt thAt i duNNo whY i So miNd abT iT whEn iT haPPen tO mE aGain...
sO chiLdisH oF Me....

aDvicE reaD oNLinE sEEm sO eaSilY saiD...
aCtuaL aCtioN iS So haRd To AchiEvE...

WaTevEr iT iS... iT aLL coME doWn tO minD poWer...
TouGh DaYs dOn'T laSt bUt TOugH mAn dO...

Posted at Sunday, September 13, 2009

weeKs aFtEr wEEks...
ThiNgs aRe GeTTinG fRm baD tO woRsT...
haTe thE feeLinG oF beiNg lEft oUt...
oR raThEr... i DoNNo whEthEr iM In oR ouT oF thE CliCk...
ThAt iS ThE moSt FaStuRaTinG paRt...
EvEry wEEkdaY iS a ToRtuRe foR mE...
i oNli yEaRn tO boOk ouT evEry daY...

ThX DeaR FoR beInG mY liSteNinG eaR...
ThX foR beInG thErE foR mE...
uR aDviCE iS ReaLLy gD...
juS siT thErE... liSteN... dOn TaLk...
whEn liFe gEts haRd... juSt sCreW iT...
10 WeeKs.. cOunTinG doWn... ENDURE~!! >.<